17. Triggered

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Brandon's POV All Star Weekend 2017New Orleans, Louisiana

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Brandon's POV
All Star Weekend 2017
New Orleans, Louisiana

Today is the first day of All Star Weekend and to kick things off, all of the selected NBA players were taking place in a photoshoot before the games and contest started tomorrow. I was in my zone right now as I posed for the camera.

"Ok let me get one of you spinning the basketball with your fingertips." The cameraman, Jeff, directed as he adjusted his camera to get the next shot.

I did as he said and he quickly took the picture. We did a couple more poses before he thanked me and call an end to the session. Relieved, I quickly hustled out of the booth.

"Bout time." D'Angelo joked as I approached him. I was glad when I heard he was also selected for the Rising Star Challenge. Even though this game isn't meant to be taken as serious as our regular season games, it was still nice to play along side someone I'm already familiar with. 

"I'm ready to back to the Telly, and you over here trying to be photogenic and shit." He added as he gathered his things.

"You act like you didn't go 30 minutes past your time." I shot back at him.

"I told you he won't getting the right angles. I had to assist him." D explained

I chuckled while grabbing my duffel bag and phone. "If you say so. Let's go though. Car outside."

We both begin to make our way out of the New Orleans warehouse stopping every minute or so to speak to a couple of other NBA players along the way.

"Man I'm ready to hit Bourbon Street tonight." D exclaimed once we were in the back of the Uber. "Shit, we got to hit up my boy house party too! All the bad bitches going to be there."

I shook my head. "Don't you got a girl?"

"Hell nah. I had to broke it off with Nicki. She was smothering me."

"Smothering you how?"

"For one, she kept pressuring me to propose just because all of her friends were engaged or married." D explained. "Plus she never gave your boy any space. She thought we was supposed to spend every minute together and that ain't me."

"I feel you." I told him. Even though I did propose to Kai in the past, I don't think I would've did it had I felt pressured by her.

"So how you and ole girl?" D asked me once we were out of the Uber and standing near the elevators of the hotel lobby.

"We straight." I replied. "I plan on FaceTiming her once I get back to my room."

For some reason D gave me a weird look. "So y'all good?"

"Yeah why wouldn't we be?" I questioned returning the look he was giving me.

"Shaye didn't tell you?"

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