12. Flipping the Script

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Brandon's POV

"Welcome back to another episode of the Herd. I'm your host, Colin Cowherd, and today we got very special kid in the building. Everybody join me in welcoming small forward for the LA Laker, Brandon Ingram."

I grinned listening to the crowd clapped as I walked onto the stage and took my seat across from Colin.

"Mr. Los Angles himself!" Colin exclaimed. "Welcome to the show."

"Thank you for having me." I smiled.

"So I'm just going to get right into it, it's the middle of the NBA season, how does it feel to know your rookie year is already half way over?" He asked.

"I mean it's definitely a shock thinking about it." I said honestly, adjusting my self in my seat as I thought about this past year. "It flew by. It feels like just yesterday I was sitting in the Barclays Center being drafted."

"Speaking of the draft, I remember you express some concerns about moving out to LA, because you're from North Carolina right?"


"How's has LA life been treating you so far? Have you grown to like it at all?"

"I mean it's different. I'm from Kinston which is kind of country compared to Los Angeles so it took some adjusting at first." I answered.

"When you say adjusting, are you speaking as far as the time difference, the team, or the environment?" Colin pried.

"Well all of it really. Initially, I had a hard time adapting to the Summer League schedule and practices and keeping up with Adidas appearances plus flying back to see my family." I said recounting the start of the stressful summer and how drained I was. "But it all started to flow more smoothly once the season started."

"Before the season even started people had you and Ben Simmons up for the rookie of year title. How does it feel having people place you in that conversation?"

At the mention of Kai's ex name I felt myself tensed up. I was still pissed from finding out he reached out to her knowing she was engaged. The way I was feeling , he better hope I didn't cross paths with him anytime soon for his sake.

"Brandon?" Colin said snapping out my trance.

Embarrassed now, I cleared my throat before speaking. "Oh it feels amazing to know people think so highly of me before even seeing me play in the big league. It's mean a lot."

Colin asked a few more questions before thanking me for coming on and wrapping the interview up.

"Good job." Shaye said as I exited the stage. "You handled every question well except for the one involving Ben."

I rubbed my face embarrassed that she noticed. "Oh you saw that?"

"Yes, how could I not?" She asked as we made our way out of the studio. "Kai told me they dated but I didn't realize it was still such a sore topic for you."

I sucked my teeth. Using the words 'sore topic' made it seem like I was still pressed about him, I wasn't. It was just the principle of the matter. He tried to shoot his shoot at my fiancée while she was pregnant with my kids. Granted he probably didn't know about her pregnancy but it was still disrespectful either way and I was going to check him about it.

"Man it wasn't. I wasn't even thinking about him until he called her Christmas morning asking her out for dinner."

"Woah." Shaye seemed amused by what I just told her. "I thought surely when he saw her pregnant at the coffee shop, he had moved on."

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