06. Problematic and Then Some.

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Brandon's P.O.V.
December 2016

"Brandon? . . . . Brandon?!!"

The sound of Coach Walton's voice instantly snapped me out of the slight trance I was in and back into reality. We were on the our team's private jet heading to Miami,Florida for tomorrow's night game against the Miami Heat. I was so deep in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed Coach Walton had came to take a seat next to me.

"Yes Coach?" I answered him.

Coach gave me a weird look before responding. "Are you okay? You haven't been yourself for the past few days. Is there something going on?"

"I'm good Coach." I lied. The love of my life is currently in a medically induced coma. I was hurting inside. Everything in me longed to be at Kai's hospital bedside. Her and the twins have been on my mind heavily since that god-awful Saturday night when she was rushed to hospital and taken behind those big gray doors of the operating room.

"Look Brandon if you're not okay to play tomorrow's game, I would und-" Coach started but was abruptly cut off.

"I said I'm good Coach." I stated agitated now. I just wanted him and everyone else to let me be. I didn't even want to be on the jet right now but as soon as Kai's dad caught wind of the news he immediately flew out to California to be at her bedside. In doing so, he advised me to continue with the Laker's games and practices and he'll keep me updated on Kai's condition. At first, I resisted but out of respect for Mr.Fitzgerald I reluctantly did what he said.

Now I couldn't help but feel as if I made the wrong decision. Kai's dad told me by doing this, it will help keep my mind off things but he couldn't have been more wrong. I felt just as distraught as I did when I found her lying in her own blood on the floor of that restaurant's bathroom floor.

Sensing that I needed to be left alone, Coach Walton got up and returned to his usual seat in front of the team's private jet. I immediately decided once we landed and I had cell phone service again, I was going to call Daniel to see if anything had changed with Kai.

* * *

Kai's P.O.V.
Los Angeles, California
11:06 am

The constant sound of a monitor beating cause my eyelids to slowly flutter open. Once I did, a strange wave of disorientation hit me like a ton of bricks. I tried craning my neck to take a look around the room but quickly decided against it when pain pierced my head in result.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself. Bringing my hand up to rub the side of my temple, I noticed the IV planted and tape to side of it.

I was in the hospital. But why? I don't remember anything happening for me to need any kind of medical help and I definitely didn't remember being brought here.

"Kai, you're up!" I heard my dad's voice to the side of me. He quickly hop off the hospital couch and came to my side.

"Daddy?" I croaked out, instantly regretting it when my throat started to hurt like hell because of it.

"Shhh... drink this." He said handing me a cup of water. After drinking the whole cup water, my throat began to feel a little better.

"Daddy, what happened?" I asked my voice still sounding hoarse. "Why am I in the hospital? Where's Brandon?"

My dad gave me a sad look. "I'll go get the doctor. He'll explain."

Confused and more anxious now, I watched my dad race out the room. Not even 2 minutes later he returned with a older looking man wearing a lab coat and holding a clipboard.

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