07. Learning to Take the Bad With The Good.

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Kai's P.O.V.

"You want me to wear this?" I asked Jia in shock as my eyes scanned the cut out floral sundress with the matching floral panties. I haven't been out the hospital for a full week yet and already Jia and Britt had my maternity shoot booked and set for today. They didn't even give your girl a slight chance to recover before trying to play dress up with me. "Look Jia, I don't mean to point out the obvious, but I'm big as a house. There's no way I would look good in that."

The set was no doubt beautiful but I knew I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it.

Jia rolled her eyes. "Yes you will. Look Kai, I get that this pregnancy has made you insecure about yourself  but at least do it for today. It's your maternity shoot! Don't you at least want to look good for the pictures and your husband to be."

"Yes Jia. But that doesn't mean that I have to be practically naked." I interjected. "I was honestly thinking of Brandon and I wearing some simple coveralls and a tee shirt."

"No offense Kai, but that's extremely basic." Britt commented coming to join Jia and I in the living room of Brandon and I's condo.

"And a floral theme shoot isn't?" I said tilting my head to look at them both strangely. "I seen plenty of girls do that."

"Yes, but those girls aren't you. Plus I bet none of them had their fiancée behind them wearing a matching floral shirt and white pants." Jia smirked.

My mouth went agape at Jia hint of Brandon wearing a floral shirt for the shoot. "B would never agree to that."

"He already did, Kai." Britt informed me. "He specifically said 'anything for his baby girl.'"

I looked back and forth between to the two waiting for them to say they were joking any minute now but when they both continue to smirk at me I knew they were dead serious. 

I sighed. "Fine. I'll wear it."

An excited Jia handed me the set. "Yes!! Now that we have that out the way. Get dressed. We still have your hair appointment at 3 and your makeup to do immediately after before your shoot at 6."

I groaned as I walked up the stairs of B and I's condo knowing I was not about to enjoy the next part of my day.

* * *

Brandon's P.O.V.

Sweat dripped from my forehead as I worked my way in and out the cones the shooting coach, Bryon Scott, had strategically set up for me. After getting to last cone I put up the three point shot.


I didn't even have to look up to know I made it. Judging by the look on Coach Scott's face, I could tell he was pleased with the shot and my form. However, I was far from being satisfied with my game. My rookie season was still not going well for me as it was for other rookies.

What those reporters said last week really bothered me so I asked Shaye to look into my seasonal stats. She was able to find that I averaged below 10 points a game. My average has never been that low in my entire life not even in junior high. It was just frustrating, no matter what the coaches, my parents, or Kai said. I knew myself well enough to know that's not me, not even by a long shot. So I continued to grind in the gym day in and day out trying to get back to the Brandon Ingram everybody loved and knew.

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