05. When It Rains It Pours

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Brandon's P.O.V
Los Angles, California

"Brandon come look at these two!" Britt said holding up two onesies. One read Daddy's Girl and the other read Momma's Boy.

My sister and I were currently in the Babies R Us store picking up a couple things for the twins. Initially, Kai and Britt were supposed to do this together but seeing as she was back in N.C. at the moment, I decided I would go instead.

As I continue to look at the two onesies, I smiled at the thought of me playing and chasing a  little Kai around the house sometime in the near future while Kai stood off to the side babying my little boy in which I was going to put a stop to eventually.

"Kai would love these." Britt stated snapping me out of my little vision of me and my soon to be family.

"Yeah she would." I agreed watching Britt throw the onesies inside the basket.

"Where's Kai anyways?" Britt inquired as we begin walking towards the front of Babies R Us To check out. "I thought you said the both of you were going to pick me up from the airport this morning."

I sighed recalling the dramatic argument Kai and I had last week before she packed everything and hopped on the very next flight back to Kinston.

"She's away at the moment."

"Away at Kinston?"

I nodded not even surprise that Britt knew the details. Kai practically told Britt everything, sometimes I seriously questioned if she was my sister or Kai's.

"I hate to say it, but you're a dumbass B." Britt said nonchalantly. "And bipolar as fuck! One minute you want Kai and your family then another you want to be the same Brandon you were in high school, single and carefree doing reckless shit."

"Britt I don't know who you're talking but I can assure you it's not me." I said through clenched teeth, deciding I was already fed up with my sister and her derogatory rant against me.

In response to my statement, Britt turned on her heels to glared at me. "I'm just saying B. Every-time you and Kai get into a good space, you always find a way to mess it up. Every. single. time. It never fails."

"Britt until you know how it feels to be engaged and have the pressure of not one but two babies on you, then I suggest you keep your input out of Kai's and I relationship." I said probably a bit too harsh for Britt's liking.

I can tell by my sister's face that something smart was about to leave her mouth next.

"Well for your information 'baby bro', I am engaged."

My mouth drop in shock as I watch Britt hand come up to reveal the sparkling diamond ring. "How long?"

"For two weeks now." She said simply as if her being engaged was supposed to be no big deal.

"Well, when were you going to tell me?" Britt and I are extremely close, so you would think I would be one of first people she would tell about her engagement or at least mention her current love interest to. Right now, I couldn't even think of who had possibly got down on one knee and proposed to my sister. Apparently, I was just that in the dark when it came to her love life. "And to who?"

"Well, I was going to tell you tonight at the double date I had planned for us after your game tonight but seeing as you and Kai are separated at the moment I doubt that's going to happen." My sister said rolling her eyes as she stop to glance at the array of bottles and pacifiers on the shelves.

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