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Chris' surprise was kind of a tour all around L.A and then we went to his favorite restaurant to dinner. I was really loving this place even better than Boston

—And what did you do today? -I ask him while sipping some water-

—We were arranging the last stuff to film the movie

—Oh, that's nice. Were your co-stars there too?

—Yeah, all of them, they had to be there too. We'll start in two days -he smiles at me-

Anyone who met Chris could tell his passion was acting. I swear it was so noticeable

—I'm happy for you, babe

—I can't wait for them to meet you, they'll love you -he smiles at me- even the Russo's will -I giggle-

—I might be a little overwhelmed over that -I confess- it's even weird to wake up next to the man I used to watch movies of

—Is it? -he laughs- you'll get used to that eventually

—I know I will, but I'm 100% I will never get over the fact of how lovely you are


We were on our way home when my sister calls me, I decline because I was currently talking to Chris but she sends me a link that made me gasp as soon as I opened it

—What is it? What's wrong? -Chris asks while keeping his eyes on the road-

—Your... Never mind, Chris -I sigh frustrated-

—No babe, tell me, what's wrong? -he caresses my thigh with his thumb-

—It's just collateral damage, I guess... Some article about us


—About the fact that I'm a whore because I supposedly stole you from Jenna -I shrug, I was angry but I didn't wanted Chris to notice, mostly because I'd end up crying due to anger-

—Oh, fuck -he mumbles while hitting the steering wheel- Gabbie, I'll take care of that, don't worry -he assures me-

—Don't worry about it -I try to calm him-

But I was really upset, now there are a lot of photos of Chris and I all around the internet, since he's not a man who gives a lot to talk, the fact that now he's dating someone else and was supposedly cheating on his ex it's a bomb. I wasn't worried about what my parents would think, it's as simple as explaining to them what happened and I know they'll believe me 'cause they trust me. But what about the whole world? Am I gonna be just a whore who stole Jenna's boyfriend?

We arrived home silently, I was kind of ignoring Chris or cut him off politely whenever he wanted to talk to me, I was upset but I wasn't angry at him, it's not his fault.

—I'll go out tomorrow -I tell him as soon as we get in the bed-

—For the job?

—Yeah, I haven't seen anything yet but I hope I can find something

—And I have to work tomorrow, kind of rehearsals before starting the actual deal -I smile at him-

—I know you'll do it amazing. I'm still shocked at the fact that I can't know anything -I pout-

—You'll have to wait till the premiere -Chris laughs-

—I just hope you don't die... Well, I just hope Steve doesn't die -I correct chuckling-

—What do you think might happen? -he raises one eyebrow at me-

—I think Steve will risk his life to save everyone else... Like a trade, you know? -I explain him- The gem will give Gamora and everyone else back but Steve will go into the gem

—Interesting theory

—Is that what happens? -I ask like a little girl-

—My lips are sealed -he mocks-

—Can you open them for me? -I pout with puppy eyes-

—Sorry, I won't tell you anything. I want to see your face when we watch it at the premiere

—Oh, so you're taking me to the premiere? -I ask-

—Of course I will, you're my girlfriend

—I just hope I don't have to go through any red carpet or something like that -I joke-

—Hmm, you probably will -he winks at me- my mom and you would be good companions at the carpet

—We'll see -I laugh-

Chris holds me closer to him making me feel relaxed, I knew dating him would bring a lot of attention towards me but I don't want it to come between us, I'll try my best to adjust to it. Chris is totally worth it, he's the best man I've met

—Sorry about earlier -he sheepishly says as If he was reading my mind-

—Babe, it's okay. It's not your fault, I knew that dating you would bring some sort of attention towards me... I just didn't think it'd be this fast

—I hope it doesn't last long

—I hope so too, but if it does, guess that's what comes with dating a famous man -I smile politely at him- but don't worry Chris, you're worthy of all the love in the world

—I'm worthy of you and that's all I care about -he says making me feel loved-

—About what you said minutes before... The thing of your lips sealed, could you open them for me? Not to tell me about Avengers but to this -I get closer until our lips were together-

We tangled into a kiss that wasn't sexual but yet it managed to be passionate, we were a bit accelerated so we gave each other time to calm our breathing

—I can tell you something -he suddenly speaks after a while of us being comfortably quiet-

—What is it?

—About the film

—Really? -I say excited like a little girl opening Christmas girls-

—Really, but you have to promise you won't tell to anyone, not even Sara -he chuckles-

—Pinky promise -I giggle intertwining my pinky finger with his- I won't say anything

—The movie's title is... -he paused dramatically and I could feel a little bit of adrenaline on my body due to the excitement- Avengers: End Game

My face expression was a mix, I was half excited, half worried

—Oh man -I put my hands in my mouth dramatically- End Game? Seriously? If Infinity War left me emotionally sunken, I don't want to know how End Game will leave me... Seriously? End Game? -I raise both of my eyebrows in surprise, Chris chuckles and nods- I'm scared, I'm totally scared

Chris was just laughing at my face, his eyes were crinkling which made me see him as the cutest human being ever

—Christopher! Don't laugh, it's important. Okay?

—Okay ma'am -he says wiping away the tears of laughter-


First chapter of 2019❤️
How are you all? I wish you a happy new year, hope you can achieve everything you propose.

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