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After Chris' arrival last night, he accompanied me while I was eating and then we went back to our room, where we enjoyed ourselves. By the morning, it was as usual, both of us agitated to get to work on time, I barely got to say hi to my family who were on the kitchen & this morning, Christopher dropped me off at work.

—Amanda -I sigh as soon as I see her- I'm glad to see you

It's been like three shifts were Amanda wasn't there, I don't even know why.

—Gabbie -she smiles- I can say the same, I've missed you -she giggles-

—What happened with you? Why you couldn't come? -I ask as we were walking to the workers room to drop off my things-

—I had to take a few days off, nothing too tragic -she shrugs- what about you, what you've been up to?

—Not much, you know, being with Chris and my family

—Oh, you two are still a thing? -she scrunches her face and I can't help but worry a little bit at her question-

—...Yeah, but why you'd ask that way?

I saw something this morning on my way to work... I deducted you two were done -she moves her hand to her back pocket, grabbing his phone-

As she unlocks it and searches for something, I wait, a little bit nervous. I trust Christopher, but the fact that Amanda would ask me -or suggest- that we broke up kinda alerts me

—Here -she hands me the phone- a lot of articles about Chris' new love interest... I'm sorry to be the one to bring this up to you, but...

I grab the phone feeling my heart drop to my feet, not wanting to see the images or articles, everything happens in slow motion as I'm turning the phone around to face the screen, Amanda is staring at me, but as soon as I see what she was talking about my whole body relaxes and I can't help but chuckle, making my friend confused

—It's not Chris' new love interest -I explain- these are pictures from last night and that over there -I point to the screen- is my sister, Sara -I giggle and she lets out a sigh of relieve-

—Thank god, I didn't wanted to end up hating on Captain America because he cheated on you, but as soon as I saw that on the internet this morning I felt my blood boil

—It's okay -I chuckle looking down at my feet- they planned to go out but I was too lazy to join them. Now the annoying part will be the press trying to damage Chris' reputation by calling him a womaniser or whatsoever

—There are tons of articles that talk about him moving on fast on his ex and you, now. I didn't wanted to believe The Golden Boy would be capable of cheating

—Don't idolise him, he's a human like all of us -I shrug- the difference between him and us, is that he's known all over the world, meanwhile, we aren't

I said those words as polite as possible but I truly couldn't help but feel annoyed. When I hadn't met Chris, I used to be just like Amanda or most of the world, people forget famous people are human as well, most of the time they end up idolising a person without even knowing them... Or they end up throwing dirt at them without knowing them. It's not like I believe Christopher would cheat on me, but she's my friend and she should understand that he's a common human like all of us

—I'm not idolising, I'm just... Commenting about his reputation? But why you'd answer that?

—It's not like I believe he would cheat on me, I just—I never understood what famous people can feel or even be treated until I met Chris. People think they know a person based on their reputation and that isn't right

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