Alexander McNight(Character Profile)

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Name: Alexander Phillip Corona-McNight
Nickname: Alex
Age: 23
Hair: Dark and curly
Skin: Pasty white
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Height: 6 ft
Body structure: Average, not built, not big, not thin
Personality: Funny, life of the party, diva, childish
Likes: Ice cream, cheese, jokes, puzzles, anime
Dislikes: Vegetables, coloring, fake anime watchers, haters in general
Background: Alex came to the orphanage at 7 years of age. He remembers his parents and how they gave him to the orphanage, saying that they never wanted a child like him.
Alex later befriended (Y/N). They two grew close and became best friends. Alex later met Ryan and Chad.
Alex was later adopted with Ryan and Chad. Alex was 13 year old. He later lost contact with (Y/N).
Alex grew up with the McNights and is now going to college for a degree in teaching. He lives with his two adopted brothers in a small one room apartment.

Sneak Peek
Paul walks into the room with a box of supplies. "(Y/N)?" he asks. I turn and look down at him, surprised to see him back so early. "(Y/N)!" he shouts as he runs at me. I snap out of my little dream world and realize that I am falling off of the ladder.
Strong arms just barely catch me. I look up and see _____. I look over and see Paul shocked and a little angry at ______.

Stay tuned for the next update to see who catches (Y/N)!

*Hi! I'm sorry that I forgot the order in which I was going to update the chapters. This was supposed to be Saturday's but I forgot. Please comment of who you would like the next character profile to be about. Thanks for reading!*

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