The New Job With Mr. Googly Eyes(Chapter 12)

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"Um... Well you work at Hi5 Studios as my...helper," Paul says. You stare at him surprised. First, he beats someone up for you. Next, he gives you food. Then he gives you a place to live. Now he is giving you a job. The niceness of this guy is too much to bare.

You stay quiet the rest of the ride. When he parks the car you get out with him. He heads up to the office door smiling at you. "After you, mil lady," Paul says.

"Thanks," you say as you blush up a storm. You notice that you are in the orange office. Also the office that Paul took you back to after he saved you.

Paul passes by you and begins to run up the stairs. "Come on," he says as he turn back and notices you looking around. You snap back into reality and follow him upstairs.

Upstairs is also white and orange. You don't see where Paul is. You look around the room and see a few offices. One of them has a head sticking out of it. The head has brown hair and brown eyes. It chuckles as you slightly jump back.

"It's okay, (F/N). This is my office," Paul states still leaning out the room. As you walk into the room you notice that the room is completely green and is covered in wires and screens except for one large area.

You ask, "so what do you do here?" Paul was spinning in a computer chair when you ask. He turns and faces you with a very serious face.

"We murder people." You feel the blood drain from your face as you slowly back away from Paul. He laughs. "No, we make videos for the YouTube channel, Googly Eyes."

You know about YouTube but you never heard of anything like Googly Eyes. You open your mouth to ask what it is but Paul answers the question before it leaves your mouth. "Googly Eyes is a mixed reality/virtual reality channel. The people who play Googly Eyes play a video game from inside the game."

Now it makes sense when Paul said they murder people. They murder video game people. You nod and smile, feeling your fears of being killed move down the drain. "So what is my job?" you ask bouncing on your toes.

"You help edit the video and make sure everything is set up. I'll teach you the ropes," Paul explains. He gets up and leaves the room. You don't know if he is going to the restroom or something so you don't follow him. Instead you check out his office.

It has a small desk with a computer chair. Above the desk is a tv screen. A few papers and computers litter the area. There is also a headset with two googly eyes on it. You look closer at the headset as a voice comes from behind you.

"Hey, I should have asked this earlier but are you free tomorrow," Paul asks as you spin around. He is leaning up against the door way looking intently at you.

*Hello, readers! How are you? So the next chapter is a little bonus chapter so it won't be as long but you do get to learn what Paul is asking about. If any of you would like me to do a chapter with a challenge in it, just comment a challenge and I will do my best to add you in it. Thanks for reading!

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