Pizza Attacks(Chapter 19)

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After our shopping trip, Paul and I came home to eat some delicious food. Since I didn't want some protein thing. I grabbed some dough and began rolling it out in a cutting board. Paul left to do something and he came back a few minutes later with his phone in his hand.

He texts someone and grabs a few ingredients that I left in the bags. "Are we making one or two pizzas?" I ask finally getting the dough to the size.

"We can share the same pizza," Paul says opening the pasta sauce. I nod and step away to grab a spoon. I grab the sauce and pour some over the pizza. I try to spread the sauce evenly but fail epically.

I feel someone's arms around me and look back to see Paul standing right behind me. He takes the spoon and begins to spread it. His arms are still wrapped around me, trapping me up against his chest. I stay still and try to fight off the blush on my face.

When Paul is done spreading the sauce, he takes a step back. He is blushing a little but he goes and rips open the cheese. Together, standing far away from each other, we put on different cheeses. Then we put on our own toppings. Not surprisingly, most of Paul's side is healthy some parts of it are unhealthy though. My side looks interesting because I may have went overboard.

Paul puts the pizza in the oven for ten-fifteen minutes. We stand in the kitchen not saying anything for a few minutes. "Want to play a game?" Paul asks looking at me. I nod my head as Paul disappears again. He comes back into the room carrying a game. He assembles it quickly and I see that it is Junga.

Paul looks at me as I make my first move. Paul goes after me not hesitating at all. We go back and forth. A few turns were challenging for us but the tower is standing wonderfully. Paul just took his turn and the he did move he made might make me tip over the tower.

As I grab onto one of the only blocks left, the stove goes off. Which causes me to jump. My hand is still on the block so I knock over the entire tower. "Critters!" I cry out. I don't say swear words so I came up with some wooden swear words. Paul laughs as he begins to put the game back in the box.

I get some place mats and take the pizza out of the oven. Both Paul's and my side are clashed together but they look pretty delicious. When I bring the pizza over to the counter, I see Paul already made a spot.

Paul and I make small talk as we wait for the pizza to cool down. When we think it's cool enough to eat we cut into it and begin eating it. Within the first bite I feel as if I died. It tasted so good. It had just enough pizza sauce with the toppings in just the right area.

I see Paul happy about his side of the pizza too. But he isn't gulping it down like I am. When I feel full to the gills, Paul leans over to wipe something off my lip. I'm surprised so I sit still as possible. But Paul is blushing like crazy.

*Greetings! I think that is a good place to leave off. I hope each of you get to read this Tuesday at Five PTS. Thanks for reading!*

Me, Myself, and Paul Foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن