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Hello, Hello. Welcome to Paul love stories. As I mentioned in the description, I have many ideas for Paul one shots but they go on forever. I don't want to have a ton of Paul one shots and barely any Connors so I decided to put any Paul one shot in here.

Now if it is a one shot I will put One Shot in the title. If I plan on doing something in parts, as in making the storyline last for a long period of time, there will be a title and a part number. If you are confused, you can just tell by the part number.

If you would like to request a one shot of Paul, I will do it as long as no one else has done it. I personally would not want to be accused of anything. Also I will mention your username as the beginning of the one shot. If you want to stay anonymous, just please tell me. You can tell me about your request in the comment section or you can message me on my page.

I am still going to write one shots in Hi5 Studio Love Stories but there might not be many of Paul and the reader. Please request some one shots that way I won't get a huge writers block like I normally do. When I get writers block, I barely sleep because I suddenly get so many ideas. It isn't good at all. So please request some ideas so,this doesn't happen anytime soon. Thank you for reading and I hope you have fun time with Paul in theses stories.

Sincerely yours,
Thief Gothal

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