The Rude Awakening(Chapter 2)

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You are floating on marshmallow cloud high up the sky. You glance down and free fall. Suddenly a huge falcon swoops beneath you. Carrying you on its wings as it soars through the sky. You spread your arms out wide and scream in pure joy. The falcon spins in the air causing you to wrap your arms tightly around its neck. You yelp when the falcon hits an invisible object. The falcon shakes his head as if to clear it.

The falcon then speeds down into his huge nest. He flips over and drops you off. You stumble and feel as if you are shrinking at how large the nest suddenly seems. You notice some eggs right next to you. You don't think as you go over there and begin to stoke the eggs. You hear a squawking sound from behind you.

The falcon is back. It nuzzles its body on yours. "You have such nice eggs, Mr. Falcon dude," you say out loud. The falcon moves closer. You place your face on the beak. You feel the smoothness and close your eyes as you rub against it. You kiss it wanting to feel the smoothness against your lips. But when you kiss the beak, it no longer has that smooth, flat feel to it.

You open your eyes and immediately close them due to the bright light. You slowly open your eyes and do your best to get use to it. You are no longer in your falcon paradise. You are in a white room with a guy right in front of you. The guy has brown hair and brown eyes. He isn't as tall as some of the other guys you know. But then again he is taller than you and you are pretty short.

You begin to become more aware of your surroundings and notice that the guy in front of you is sitting in a chair and you are in his lap almost kissing him. You get off of him and as someone laughs.

"Paul, I would be just as nervous as you are if a girl did that to me. But I never had a girl call my no no spot 'eggs' or kiss me while calling me Mr. Falcon dude," someone says from across the room. You turn and see a tall guy leaning against the wall.

"Where am I?" you ask wondering if you are safe in this room with these two guys.

"You are at Hi5 studios," the guy called Paul says smiling but it isn't a creepy smile in which a girl would run away from. You just nod and try to remember what happened. But you can't remember anything.

*Sorry for the cliffhanger. If you are wondering what was happening while you were dreaming, don't think you are high on drugs or anything. I get really weird if I just have coffee creamer. So weird I can't walk straight. And I'm not on drugs. Maybe I had sugar though but I don't remember.I hope you stay to continue reading.*

Me, Myself, and Paul Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें