The New Place(Chapter 9)

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Paul kept driving until you stopped at a nice looking place. He parked the car and ran around back. He helped you out of the car. You notice that he has your backpack slung over his shoulder.

The two of you walk up to door. Once inside the place looks really nice. Paul gives you a small tour if the place. When he gets to the bedroom he calls it your new room. You look around and notice that there is a small pile of male clothes in the corner.

You realize that this is probably Paul's room. "Paul, I can't steal your bed from you. Why don't I take the floor or couch?" you state as Paul begins to walk out of the room.

"No, you are the guest. You should get the bed," Paul replies. You just shake your head. The two of you have a staring contest in which you win. "Fine, but take the couch," Paul says. You smile, thankful that you have someone who is giving you a place to sleep.

Paul finishes off the tour at the kitchen. You are still smiling but you frown slightly when you realize something. "Paul, I don't have any way to repay you," you say.

Paul looks at you but looks away a few seconds later. "If it really bothers you. Then I will let you pay me back after you get a job and are settled someplace," Paul states. You nod and give him a small smile in a way to say thank you.

The two of you stare, awkwardly, at each other before Paul breaks the silence. "Well, I got to get back to work. Feel free to let loose," Paul states as he scratches his neck. His other hand is in his pocket. Somehow he looks super cute as he does this.

Once he leaves you find yourself alone in a guys home. So you decide to go around and look at everything being a little snoopy. After a long time of looking the only thing that looks out of place is the guy's underclothes. Which you immediately look away from!

You keep looking and see a room that Paul called his "office". You walk in and see a few computer screens and a camera. A set of headphones are right next to keyboard on the desk. The room looks pretty nice and you don't want to intrude on this guy's office.

Based on what you saw and on what Paul did for you, you think that you can trust this guy enough to live with him. You don't want to turn on the tv and waste Paul's electricity, so you curl up on the floor near the couch and listen to your music.

You jam out and slowly begin to feel tired even though it is just past 5:00. You feel your eyes drift closed. "Eh, I'll let myself sleep for a few minutes," you mutter under your breath. Eventually you fall into a deep sleep.

*Greetings! Sorry if this chapter dragged a little or if this story is too predictable. I try not to be to predictable but it is almost impossible so I am going to try to throw some twists in. Even through they will stink. Thanks for reading and request something if something pops into your head!*

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