The Sad Tale(Chapter 8)

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"Why?" Paul's single word almost makes you cry. You don't want to burden him with your sad, awful tale. You hang your head as Paul takes a few steps towards you. "What's wrong?" he asks as he uses his hand to move your loose hair back behind your ear.

You quickly say," nothing. Nothing's wrong." But Paul must know because he crouches down a little so that the two of you are eye level.

"What happened, (F/N)? You know you can trust me," Paul states. You just stand there and say nothing but you don't do nothing. You feel a few tears slip pass your eyes. Paul stands up and wipes them off as he lightly pushes you to his car.

Once inside the car, you find yourself crying your eyes out. Paul must have taken your backpack from you because it's nowhere near you. Paul gets in the car and leans his head back as he looks at you. "Where do you want me to take you?" he asks as he starts up the car.

"Nowhere," you state as you cry into your hands. Paul places a hand on your knee in a way to reassure you somehow. You give him a small smile from behind your hands. You know he can't see you but your great-full of his company. Paul drives around as you stay completely still.

"Where is your home?" Paul asks once you have stopped crying all that hard.

You know how much you don't want to tell him but you don't want to lie so you tell him the truth. "I don't have one," you state. Paul pulls over in store parking lot and parks the car.

"What happened, (F/N)? Please tell me," Paul pleads. You smile at him before you tell him.

"I lost my job a month ago," you say. Paul looks at you stunned.

He opens and closes his mouth as he thinks of something to say. "Do you have anyone to move in with like a boyfriend, friend, parent?"

You shake your head as you explain. "I don't have time for a boyfriend. My only friend, (B/F/N), lives in Australia. And I grow up in an orphanage never knowing about anyone in my family." Paul gives you a sad expression as you begin to cry again. You feel his arms wrap around you.

"Where have you been staying then?" he questions.

You came open about everything so you decide to say as open as you can with him. "The park." Just that makes Paul pull away from you but his hands now rest on your shoulders.

"I might have a place for you stay," he says as he starts up the car and pulls off.

*Greetings. Sorry about the sad chapters. I promise you in the future that there won't be a clump of sad chapters. Mostly only happy ones. But my idea that I mentioned a few chapters ago is about to come alive! Most of you can probably guess what I am getting at. Thanks for reading!*

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