My stomach was in knots and I felt completely drained. It's been maybe two weeks since I've been here and it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I've been enjoying the time I've had with Royalty and Y/N isn't making me feel any type of way about being here.

I just feel kinda lost now. I mean of course I'm glad that I got away from Alex and that situation, but I don't know if being here and around Y/N is really the best choice for me.

It's nothing against her but I just don't wanna reopen any past feelings. For the past two weeks I've been fighting with myself since I've been here, and I'm not sure what to do.

Maybe I can talk to Y/N and hopefully she'll let me still see Royalty if I move out and get my own place. It's not like I would be homeless or anything, I have plenty to choose from. Going back to Alex would never be a thought in my mind.

I sighed when I heard my phone start ringing. Rolling over I slowly reached over to the nightstand answering the call.

"Hello mija, how are you sweetie?" I smiled at the sound of my mothers voice. I've really missed her and I haven't talked to her since Y/N left from my house with Royalty. So it's been a couple of months.

"Hi mami. Um I'm doing ok, I am at Y/N's now."

"Oh my, really mija! That's so wonderful, I'm happy you made that step." I knew she would be excited. I know she wants what's best for me, but I also know she just thinks Y/N and I are gonna get back together.

I stayed quiet for a second as I listened to her talk.

"It's so good to hear your voice honey. You've left him behind finally?"

"I have. It had to be done and I just couldn't take it anymore." I shrugged as I played with the end of my shirt.

"That makes me happy to know mija. You don't know how much it hurt me to know that you were going through what you had been. But I know that you're an adult so I had to let you handle it the way you chose." I could hear it in her worried voice that she was going to cry.

"Aww mami please do not cry, I'm fine now."

I frowned hearing her sniff through the phone. "I know you are mija. But as a parent I feel so responsible for this. It truly breaks my heart to see you hurt in anyway."

"I'm so sorry mami." I've hurt everyone around me but staying with Alex. It hurts me to know that, and I hate that I never noticed it before. I don't want my family hurt because of my bad decision.

"No, no it's ok mija, do not apologize. I'm just happy that you're away from that toxic relationship and have made a great decision by staying with Y/N."

I let out a deep breath as I sat up on the bed. "Yeah. But I'm not too sure how long this is gonna be, I know Y/N probably doesn't want me here."

"Mija why must you talk that way. You know Y/N loves you."

Does she really??

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. "I get that mom, but that's not the point. We can't just go back to the way things used to be, that's all in the past."

"Karla do not stress yourself over something that you're not even sure of. Has Y/N said anything to you or made you feel unwanted?"

"No she hasn't." She's actually been the complete opposite. But who knows how she's really feeling about things.

"Well ok then. Stop overthinking this mija."

"She hasn't said anything yet mami, but I don't wanna be a burden you know. That's why I was thinking of asking her what she thinks if I just move out back into my own place. Hopefully she'll still allow me to be with Royalty."

"Listen Karla, I get that this is a tough situation for you but don't go and do something that you will regret."

"I really don't know what I'm gonna do mami. I mean I'm happy I'm here of course, for Royalty's sake. But I don't know if I'm going to be able to stay in the same house as Y/N. I just don't know."

"It takes time for someone to earn the trust back that they lost. But I assure you that if you give it some time, she won't mind if you leave."

As more silence past the tight feeling in my chest didn't leave.

"Now tell me what's really bothering you mija."

I shook my head feeling myself about to start crying. "I- I love her mami, and I can't risk my feelings getting in the way."

"Mija calm down please sweetheart, ok. Your feelings have nothing to do with the true reason you're there for. You're there for my granddaughter, not for anything else ok. Don't loose focus of that baby."

"I know, I know." I sighed as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I just feel so lost mami. What am I to do here, in her house. I'm around her all the time now and it's getting harder to hide how I really feel."

"Talk to her mija. Nothing can go wrong with talking, and the last thing you two need is anymore misunderstandings."

Listening to her I knew deep down she was right. I have to at least try and talk to Y/N. But Y/N and I aren't meant to be together. That's something we both know, I just have to control my feelings and get over it.

...Or at least try to



Hello you guys...I hope you all enjoyed this small filler chapter. Be on the look out for what's to come next..

Is Camila going to talk to Y/N about her feelings or will she keep it to herself?

How will Y/N's talk with Nicki go?? Will she even mention Camila🤔

More importantly... What's going to happen next😳somethings may not surprise you but I have a really good feeling you won't see this coming...

Let me know any thoughts you guys may have! I do take suggestions so please do not be afraid to message me or comment! I promise I'm a super nice person😁❤️

Thanks so much for reading/voting🙃also sorry for any mistakes⚡️

(Probably later tonight...😬)

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