"Yeah I am." I answer.

"Someone famous?" Niall asks.

Well, Louis is famous so...but like he's not famous for me. For me he's just me best friend. Well, and crush apparently.

"Yeah you could say that."

We continue the game until late at night. We all start yawning as we play so we decide that, that means the end of the game. As I stand up and walk towards what we call our bunkers, someone pulls on my lower arm. I turn around and see Zayn looking at me.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Can I talk to you outside?" He asks and continues "It's important."


We walk outside, and stand in front of the bus before Zayn speaks up.

"So what's up with you and Louis?" He asks.

Does he know something? About my crush on Louis? I'm just going to pretend like nothing's going on.

"What do ya mean? Nothing's up with me and Lou." I say, hoping he won't notice I'm lying.

"Then what were you doing at the beach earlier? It looked pretty intense." He asks suspiciously.

"Nothing. We were probably just in the middle of a staring contest like you said."

"Probably?" He smirks.

"Ugh, why did I say that? Okay I'm gonna tell you something now but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone else. Seriously. Or else you're a dead man Malik" I say putting my indexfinger on his chest so he knows I'm serious. He nods without saying anything. I open my eyes wider, glaring at him.

"I promise, I promise." He reassures me.

I take in deep breath before I say what I've been holding in. Maybe it's good I talk to somebody about it. As long as it isn't Louis.

"So I've been starting to develop a small crush on Louis," Zayns eyes widen. "and then when we were at the beach it really felt like Louis was gonna kiss me." His eyes widen even more.

"What?!" He yells out pretty loudly.

"Shh," I say, not wanting anyone to hear us and come out here.

"So you're saying that there is a possibility that Larry, the biggest ship ever, might be true!?"

"That's not what I'm saying. Louis probably doesn't have the same feelings for me anyway. I mean, why would he?" I say, sadness clear in my voice.

"You don't know that," He says, giving me a knowing look. "I'm gonna make sure to put lots of Larry truth and dares in our game tomorrow.

"Great, just don't overdo it okay?" I say, once again poking his chest with my indexfinger.

"Okay, okay." He says, putting his hands up in defense.

"Good." I say before I walk inside the bus again and get in bed. Once again, surprisingly, I can't fall asleep. And guess what I'm thinking about. One very handsome young man named Louis Tomlinson.

It's about two in the morning and I keep turning around in bed not able to get comfortable. Louis must have noticed how much I've been moving, because he whispers from the bunk underneath me.

"Haz? You awake?"

"Yeah," I answer.

I poke my head out from the curtain, and look down to see Louis doing the same. We smile at each other for a while.

"Why can't you sleep?" He asks me. "I don't know, I guess I'm just thinking a lot." I answer, not really wanting to say what I'm thinking about.

"What about you?" I then ask.

"Something's bothering me."

"Oh, what is it? I may be able to help."

"Well, it does concern you," He says avoiding my eyes. "Can I tell you a secret, Haz?" He then asks.

"Of course." I say admiring the older boy.

"Don't freak out, but remember when I said I would kiss one of you guys?" He is now looking in a complete other direction than at me.

"Yeah." I say, almost fearing what might come next. What if he was lying, or what if it's one of the others. I don't have nerves for this.

"Well, this is embarrassing, but I was talking about you. Or I mean if I was forced or dared or something I could kiss anyone of you, but I'd rather it be you." He says, talking very fastly, probably because he's nervous and embarrassed about it.

But OMG. HE WANTS TO KISS ME?! Or he wants to kiss me most of all four of us. Eather way YAY. But then, did he plan on kissing me at the beach? Should I ask him? Ugh, my brain is confused.

"Wow," Is all I manage to croak out.

"Please don't freak out." Louis practically begs.

"Hey hey," I try to calm him. "I wont. Actually I'd rather kiss you too, than kiss one of the others." I say truthfully. More truthfully than I would like to admit.

"Oh, ok," He breathes a little before he speaks up again. "Goodnight Hazza."

"Goodnight Loubear." I say and almost instantly fall asleep with a smile printed on my face.

That couldn't have went better.


W-count: 1,4k

Q: Do you think Louis was going to kiss Harry at the beach?

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