I got outside, and felt the sweltering heat hit my body in an instant; the bags were heavy in my hands. A taxi pulled up beside the curb and the driver took my bags.

“Sorry!” I yelled, as I saw him waddling and struggling to put my bags in the trunk. I felt so bad, but I am just so bad at deciding what and what not to pack.

“No…problem…miss,” he said gasping for air as he got in the car.

I took a quick glance at him, he must be in his thirties; a little on the short side, kind of brawny, tan and blond. He was wearing glasses so I couldn’t see what color his eyes were.

            “Where to?” he asked, putting his hands in the wheel.

“The U.C.L.A campus, please.” I said, pulling out the pamphlet and reading what time we were supposed to be there. Three –thirty and right now it was…two –fifty, I wondered if we had enough time.

            I pulled down the passenger mirror and looked at my self in the mirror, and shrieked. The guy turned and looked at me raising his eyebrow as if to ask ‘What’s your problem’.

            “I saw my reflection; can we stop at a gas station?” I asked, running a hand through my now messy and knotted hair.

 My eyes looked cloudy and glazed over, (like they always do after I fall asleep for a while.) and my skin was dry, and it looked a little like brown leather.

“It’s going to cost you extra,” he said; I dug into my left pocket and pulled out fifty dollars.

“Is this going to suffice?” I asked, holding it out to him.

He shook his head and giving me that ‘I’m so sorry but I can’t settle for less’ look. I looked down at my purple unzipped sweater, grey tank top underneath, black jeans, and my lucky pair of black and silver converse.

“How much are you charging to take me there?”

“Forty dollars and it’s another fifteen to take you.”

“Fifty…five dollars?! A little expensive much?!” I asked, my eyes almost popping out of my head.

“Hey kid, I don’t make the rules but I don’t want to get fired,” he said. I leaned back in the seat and I am pretty sure I fell asleep because I was shoved awake.

At least he bothered to wake me up.

“We’re here, kid,” he said. I paid him and made my way into the main office, I had never seen palm trees before….or a campus that big. There had to be at least five different three story buildings here; my eyes must have been as wide as saucers. I trudged my way through a crowd of people and went through an orientation.

“Alright, class of 2016 this year we have an odd number of you approximately six hundred and forty–seven of you. What that means is one of you is going to have to share a room with a member of the opposite sex.”

That was pretty much all I heard, you know except for where my classes were. All I could really do was pray to God that I did not end up being the one with the opposite sex as a roommate; when I get around boys (or at least boys I like, or find attractive.) I tend to…lose my train of thought.

As I walked into the main office, I stood behind maybe ten people or so, trying to come to the understanding that I was actually in the lovely state California. I was officially a college freshman! I wondered what my dorm would look like, and what classes I’d be taking, who my professors would be, and…about the parties.

“Excuse me, May I take your name and check you in?” a girl my age asked from behind the porcelain desk, she looked like a student intern. My mother was wrong, California does let black people in; to top it all off, she was gorgeous. She had short black hair that ended right under her ear, dark skin, and really light brown eyes.

Just another blow to my already low self esteem.

“Um…yes, Paige Madelyn Parker,” I said, pulling out my drivers license to give her evidence.

“Alright Paige, you are in Barrington Hall room 101. Let me have one of the assistants help you with your bags.” She said, she gave me a smile and handed me my keys.

“Thank you, so much.” I said, as my bags were taken from me and I gripped my key as we walked into the elevator.

“Thank you guys so much,” I said to the boys struggling with my luggage.

“Dang girl, what do you have in here?” the one on my left asked me, he was just my mother’s type. A tall, dark, and handsome with broad shoulders and was towering over my short five foot six inches.

“Xavier, I told you. Girls pack nothing like us, we put in the necessities. They put in everything,” the one on the right said smirking.

He on the other hand was shorter, only a few inches taller than me with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles.

“Sebastian, I swear I will never doubt your word again,”

We went into Barrington Hall, it was like a hotel; the walls were golden and there was a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. We stopped at the mahogany door, the numbers 101 were written in gold.

“Well, we are here, want us to put your bags in for you?”

“No, I can handle this for myself.”

So, I opened the door grabbing my bags, thanking them, and then waddling my way into the dorm. I was in complete awe; it was so grand and extravagant. I left my bags in the doorway, and walked around getting a feel of the place.

I grabbed a tank top and sweats heading to the shower, I needed to calm myself down and not be nervous when I met my roommate. I stripped down; tossing them in the hamper that was in the room I had wanted.

The soothing water poured over me and I slid the glass door shut, and took a much needed shower. Fifteen minutes later I was out and had a white towel wrapped around me. I heard some shuffling outside and figured that my roommate must be here, I was so excited and my body wasn’t even dry. My hair was soaking so I put it up with a clip; I heard some more scuffling as I exited the bathroom and half ran half skipped into the living room.

“Hi I’m Paige! You must be my new ro--“ I never got to finish the rest of roommate, because standing in front of me was perhaps a six foot three and one of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen in my life. He had black hair that went down to his neck and bangs that hung above the most beautiful silver eyes I had ever seen in my life. He was lanky but his shoulders were broad and his face was chiseled.

He looked the opposite of how I felt; he smirked at me and offered a flawless and (quite large) hand. I took it after a moment, it was heated and soft and when his eyes connected with mine…I blushed.

He looked down at me, and I remembered that I was wearing a towel…oh so he’s a pervert?

“Pervert?” I asked with a scowl on my face and turned to walk away into my bathroom.

“Actually, my name is Hunter; by your attitude I’m guessing we’ll be great roommates.” He said, the last part was utter sarcasm.

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