Before you hear the door close you hear him whisper, "I've got no strings on me..."

You stand up slowly. Your body aches.

"Here." You hear the female say in a Russian accent.

She opens the cell and walks in. You flinch away and zap her with your electricity.

"Ouch..." She mumbles before stepping back.

The man 'tch's' at you.

"What?" You ask him annoyed.

"You're weak. How can you help us?"

"I'm not weak." You whisper out.

He laughs. "Oh really? You're pathetic. That's what you are. You won't be able to even take it if someone flicked you, you'd crumble to the floor!" He laughs.

"Piet. Enough!" Wanda yells at him.

He snickers and walks away.

"Sorry." Is all she says as you sit down to let her heal you a bit.

You nod. You don't know what to say.

"We'll see you tomorrow, there will be a fresh outfit for you, Okay?" She send you a soft smile and she closes your cell door and locks it before walking away.

You lay down and curl into a ball. And you let a night full of terrors welcome you with open arms.


"Okay. Man with beard and gotte, mine." Pietro growls out. You nod in return.

"Um... I'll take the hot blonde man..." You whisper.

Wanda giggles beside you as you gawk at his vEry muscular body. A trickle of sweat trails down your nose.

Pietro looks at you fuming. He starts muttering to himself. You look over at him. "What?"

He grunts and runs off after the Tony man.

"You'll have to equally help me with the rest. Okay?"

"But I can still take hot blonde man?"

"Yes of course."

"Ah. I am happy."

She burst out laughing.

You look at her with a grin and you say, "LOL."

She screeches and laughs causing the people to look at you.

You run at them and zap them.

"Hot blonde man!" You yell.

He turns and runs his hand through his hair. You stop and blush. Your raise your hand to electrocute him but you hesitate and panic. You must've failed the mission...

But a blue and silver streak run past you and tackles him to the floor.

"I saw her first you dirty, unbelievably hot, blonde man!" Pietro screams as he punches his face.

The rest of the group which is about ten to twelve people, as you can see, run at you both.

"Retreat guys!" Wanda yells.

"Pietro let's go." You grab his arm and you both start running at your pace.

"Whatever...." Pietro grumbles as he picks you up over his shoulder and runs fast and catches Wanda as she jumps up.


"What was that?" Ultron screams.

"I-I-I...I'm so sorry..." You beg him for forgiveness.

"I hate failed experiments." He bellies out in rage.

He kicks you and you yelp. "And failed experiments must die!"

He aims his arm full of ammo.

"No! Stop!" A Russian accent speaks.

You look up. Ultron doesn't look happy, someone ruined his moment.

"Pietro? How dare you speak." Ultron uses a collar and shocks him.

He crumbles to the ground.

You look at him and smile. "It's okay."

He shakes his head profusely. "No it's not. I'm so sorry I was so rude to you. Please Ultron, give her another chance."

Pietro struggles to get up. Wanda helps him stay steady.

"Hm.. But you and Wanda aren't failed experiments. That's why you're still here."

"Please let her go."

"She has strings that she won't let go of."




"Never mind. She will die!" He aims again and he shoot. He sends the bullet right between your eyes.

Your eyes stayed locked with Pietro's as you fall to the floor.

"NO!" Pietro runs to you as Ultron walks away to his throne room area.

"(Y/N)... oh god (Y/N)... I'm so sorry... your names beautiful... you're beautiful... stay with me. Goddamn I'm such an idiot for being mean to you!" He cries into your lifeless body.

"(Y-Y/N)..." Wanda stutters as she realizes that someone she wanted to get closer to, just died.

"That jerk. We need to leave Wanda. With     (Y/N)... Maybe there's a chance?" He asks hopeful that he can restart.

Wanda scans you with her powers. "There's Nothing Piet. No heart beat. Her brain has exploded everywhere. Her electricity isn't even static-ing. She's gone. But let's go before he comes back."

Pietro picks you up and Wanda. And he runs. He runs as far away as he can. But he aims to go to the tower. Stark could help him bring his lover back.

"I'll make you love me, and not the hot blonde man..." He grumbles as he frequently looks down at you.

A/N: Thank you all for 11k! I'm so happy you guys like my imagines! Thank you for the reads, comments and support! :)

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