) chapter 8. (

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) chapter 8. (

HIS mind was on absent during the meeting where the last details of the wedding would be spoken about. It was not interesting in any way as his opinion didn't even really matter for them.

"Is the wedding dress of Lady Margaery ready," his grandfather Tywin asks. They were checking things off their list and the Master of Coin, uncle Tyrion, would make sure the debts would be paid by the seamstress, the florist and etcetera.

"It is finished and absolutely stunning. Isn't it, daughter," Lady Tyrell asks her daughter as she lovingly gives the woman's cheek a stroke. The latter replies with a smile. "Gorgeous, mother."

"Well, Loras and Cersei will be partnered together at the table as they will marry, like we agreed. Tommen, have you chosen your lady yet," Tywin asks, pulling Tommen out of his daydreaming.

"I have chosen a lady, but her identity is secret, grandfather." It caused people to stare at him in confusion at his vague answer, but he did not mind it. He knows that Laella will say yes and sit next to him during the feast. He would get to show her off as his 'lady' and that was all he wanted.

"As you wish Tommen, as long as it is a decent lady. Make sure she will dress neatly and appropriate. It is the Royal Wedding, not a simple family dinner," his grandfather warns. Tommen nods. "Of course grandfather, she will behave perfectly."

"Perfect. Now continuing on the pigeon pie that the King and Lady Margaery wanted on the feast. Has the baker finished it," he asks. Tommen dozes out again. He can not wait to find Laella and ask her to the wedding reception again.

That was partly why he was extremely happy to leave the room, ignoring his uncles' looks at him. He walks straight towards the tower with Lady Tyrell's chambers, where Laella also would be.

The guard at the door spots him and bows. "Prince Tommen, what brings you here?" "Could you ask handmaiden Laella to come out of the room, please," the prince asks. The guard was immediately suspicious. "Is anything wrong, my prince? Did she steal?"

"No, she did nothing wrong. I just want to see her," Tommen replies. The guard nods, not asking any questions as he knocks on the door.

"Handmaiden Laella?" A soft voice pipes up from inside the room, filling Tommen with warmth. "Yes?" "Prince Tommen stands here for you. May I open the door?" "Do so, just let me cover up!"

The guard opens the door and closes it once Tommen steps inside the room. He sees Laella walking into the main room, wrapping a thin, parchment coloured shawl around her shoulders to cover herself up. She wears a dress that reminds him of Lady Sansa's during their trip back to King's Landing, only this one was silver. Tommen blushes when he realizes she was in her nightwear.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your rest," Tommen excuses himself, but she flashes a weak smile at him. "I am fine Tommen. Why did you come here, if you don't mind me asking?"

The prince's smile widens. She had called him Tommen and not 'prince' or 'my prince'.  She was getting more comfortable around him with time. It was promising.

"I came here to ask you about the feast. Will you be my table lady?" The girl walks over to one of the couches in the room, stumbling on her way. Tommen's reflexes cause him to step forward to help her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine.. just a little dizzy," Laella murmurs and she sits down on one of the couches. Tommen kneels at her side and holds her hand. "Are you feeling sick, Laella?"

She shrugs and shows him another watery smile. "A little, but I'm going to be fine Tommen," she replies, placing her hand gently on his. "Do you need anything?"

"No Tommen, I just need some rest and I'll be better," she mutters. "About the feast thing.. I don't think that Lady Tyrell would like that-"

"Why wouldn't she? It's a great honour on both you and her family. I'll make sure you won't get bored," he jokes. She giggles. "I don't have a nice dress to wear that is fit for a royal wedding, Tommen. I will not embarass you, your family and the family of my lady by turning up there."

"You will not embarass them as you will be perfect. I will ask my mother's seamstress to take measurements and make your dress. It shall be beautiful, I promise you," Tommen vows, gently taking her pale face between his hands, his fingertips light on the burning skin. She was having a fever.

"Are you sure I should not let the Maesters check on you? Grand Maester Pycelle can do miracles-" "I am alright, dear Tommen, I told you." Silence falls between them as they stare in each other's eyes. Tommen knows he should take measures into his own hands and so he jumps up in front of her, holding his hand out.

"It will be a while until Lady Tyrell will need your service again, so why don't you come with me? You can meet ser Pounce if you'd like?" Laella seems a little hesitant, but in the end she grabs his hand and follows him on her satin slippers. The guard did not even react to seeing the prince leaving Lady Tyrell's chambers with her handmaiden, who was in her nightwear.

The both of them run through the corridors of the Red Keep to the chambers of Prince Tommen. The prince opens the door and leads Laella into the room. It was neat and the bed was perfectly made up. There were not many personal things, except the basket with soft blankets where Ser Pounce supposedly lays.

"Do you like it," the prince asks, seeming a little nervous to show his private space to her. Laella nods, a smile emerging on her face. "I like it very much Tommen."

Suddenly she feels a warmth at her legs, rubbing itself against her. She looks down and smiles at seeing a red feline. "Hello little kitty," she cooes, kneeling down to pick the cat up in her arms. Laella turns around to see Tommen staring at her, a wide smile on his face.

"He likes you." "Really? Well, I really like you too Ser!" She hugs the fluffy cat to her body. Soon Tommen and Laella were in conversation again, and he was enjoying every second of it. It would be the greatest honour to have her as his table lady.

Maybe, in the end, he could convince his mother and Laella that they were a good match. Maybe even, dare he dream it, as his wife?


1133 words.

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