) chapter 4. (

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) chapter 4. (

LAEHERYS stands in the shadows of the dining hall, watching her lady carefully while she eats breakfast with the Tyrells and the royal family

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LAEHERYS stands in the shadows of the dining hall, watching her lady carefully while she eats breakfast with the Tyrells and the royal family.

Her eyes narrow slightly when she sees that Cersei comments on Lady Tyrell and Margaery, how well of a wife Margaery will be to Joffrey. Laeherys' fist clenches and unclenches at seeing the smug grin on his face.

She disliked him from the moment she first saw him, and she realizes again and again why exactly. She stands next to a man with blonde hair and a deep neckline, showing his chest off.

He smirks at a man with black hair and takes a step closer to her. "I can honestly say I've never seen a pair of eyes more beautiful than yours, my lady," the voice murmurs into her ear, his plump lips brushing her earshell.

Shivers run down her spine and she takes a step aside, causing the man to chuckle. Laeherys looks at the blue eyes, blonde man.

"I am no lady, ser," she whispers hoarsely. He laughs at her. "And I am no 'ser', I am nothing more than a whore in Lord Baelish's service. The name is Olyvar, may I know yours?"

She shakes her head. "I had the orders not to talk to anyone. Besides, I'm not interested." Then the man really had to hold back his laughter.

"Sorry, little sweetling of mine, but I am not interested in.. the other sex." Laeherys gasps as the man closes her in against the wall, while the men and women at the table didn't notice anything.

"Tell me your name, please, as I told you mine?" "I-it's Laella, now please leave me alone, Olyvar," the princess pleads.

He does not do that. In fact, he graps her hand and presses a kiss onto it. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Goodbye, lady," he murmurs and within seconds, Laeherys stands against the cold wall without the feeling of the man's body warmth radiating onto her.

And she looks directly into the eyes of Loras Tyrell, who glares at her as Laeherys looks back at him, confused by his anger. She could not help it that the man paid attention to her, could she? He was close to her, not the other way around.

Laeherys quickly steps back into the shadows, keeping her head down as her head keep reminding herself how much she misses her home and Aleia. She wonders what the woman was doing at this moment.

The princess does know that the older woman has had two sons who had died in Robert's Rebellion, under her brother Rhaegar's command. Murdered by the Starks and their army, she told her. But further, Aleia never said anything about other family. Maybe she had none and she was all on her own in the tower?

Laeherys could not help herself but feel guilty about it.

Some time later Lady Tyrell, her family and the Lannisters leave the table and the servants scatter around to clean up. She wants to help them, but Lady Tyrell grabs her wrist and pulls her with her to the sleeping chambers.

"We need to dye your hair again, the silver will start to show," she murmurs softly into the ear of Laeherys. She nods and opens their luggage, taking out a bottle of the black dye which Lady Tyrell bought on a market in Highgarden. She said it should be enough for their trip.

Laeherys let Lady Tyrell do what she needed while they talk about their first few days in King's Landing. Then, the lady adressed something Laeherys didn't even know she knew. "I heard of Loras that he was very displeased that his squire was conversing with my handmaiden, accusing you of seducing his servant. I told him that you, as virtuous and innocent as you are, would not do that. However, the question still stays: what were you doing with Olyvar?"

The young girl looks up at Lady Tyrell, who was still busy spreading the black dye over the showing silver locks. "He said that he was a whore in service of Lord Baelish, my lady." Lady Tyrell's eyes widen to big extent.

"A whore, you say? Never use that language anymore, I do not want to taint your innocent mind any more, but I'm so happy you told me. I do know now who to keep Loras away from. Ugh, that little snake," she curses him out in words that Laeherys had no idea of what they meant.

"Have you heard the news," Lady Alerie asks as she brushes through Laeherys' long locks, now as black as night again, with a golden brush. The younger girl shakes her head, looking at Lady Alerie through the copper mirror before her.

"No, my lady?" "Myrcella Baratheon will be shipped off to marry the heir of Doran Martell, Trystane, tomorrow. Tonight they will have a feast in her honour and they will bring her to the harbors with all of the royal family. As the family of Margaery, we are also coming."

Laeherys' mind begins running. "Martell.. isn't that family connected to mine, my lady?" Lady Alerie nods, her eyes turning gloomy. "Your brother Rhaegar was married to the sister of Doran and the Red Viper, Oberyn. She was called Elia and bore your brother two children. Unfortunately they were killed. Elia was raped and murdered by the Mountain, your nephew's skull was crushed against the castle walls and your niece was murdered after she was found in her hiding place."

Visions begin to fill the young princess' mind and tears well up in the eyes of the girl. She could see it happening before her eyes. Lady Tyrell sees her little dragoness getting upset and felt sorry that she even told her that. After all, she did not have to say what she had said. 

"I am so sorry for getting you upset, little one. I did not intend for it," she murmurs, stroking the cheek of the girl who she sees as a child lovingly. The girl quickly shakes her head, the black locks swinging from one side to another. "No, my lady, I-I need to toughen up. I should not act so weakly."

"Mourning your family is not weak, love. It's humane," Lady Tyrell murmurs. She picks up the brushing again and a silence falls between them, only this one was filled with tension. Alerie was thinking about how she could convince Prince Oberyn to join their cause and help Viserys and Daenerys in Pentos, Laeherys was thinking about how much she wanted to leave it all and go home.


1110 words.

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