) chapter 6. (

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) chapter 6. (

THE golden curtains are thin and lull softly in the breeze that comes from the sea

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THE golden curtains are thin and lull softly in the breeze that comes from the sea. He stands right by the window and he looks outside, staring into the flower gardens of the Red Keep. His green eyes search around, darting from one place to another frantically to find one exact person.

And she just walks into the gardens.

Prince Tommen sighs and his eyes close slightly as he stares at her, his chin leaning on his hand while his elbow rests on the window seat. He knows that she wouldn't look up and find his eyes on her. She never did.

He couldn't help himself whenever she enters a room. Tommen just had to stare. She was like those stones that the Maester showed him: the ones that attract other stones. He called the ability of the stones 'magnetism', or magnetic.

That was what handmaiden Laella was: magnetic. She was only a few years older, as he was thirteen and she was fifteen, so it should be acceptable. If only she was a lady, then his dream of the last few days could come true.

It was strange, Tommen thought, as he did not know her that well. But he could only dream of her since he first saw her. Her in a wedding gown, her next to him at court.. her with a babe against her chest. He awoke with a furious blush when he dreamt that for the first time.

He had been afraid that the handmaiden would see his deep desires and secret interest for her in his eyes when theirs met at the harbor, on the day of Myrcella's departure. He still hadn't heard from her or anyone else yet, so he didn't think she noticed.

His emerald eyes set on her and watch her every move, letting out another content sigh. She was perfect with those beautiful pale lilac eyes and long, black locks. Her pale, creamy skin he dreamt of touching during the night. He knew it was sick and unacceptable, but there was nothing he could do to keep himself. Whenever he banned the thoughts out of his head, they came back twice as hard and twice as much.

A knock on the door puts him out of his reverie and when his two uncles, Jaime and Tyrion, come in, he jumps up. His head almost hits the window pane.

Both his uncles frown at the prince's hasty, strange behaviour as he quickly walks away from the window, blush on his cheeks, and stops right before them.

"Goodmorning uncle Jaime, goodmorning uncle Tyrion," he says, tripping over his words. Both the Lannisters find that Tommen looks guilty of something they don't know.

"Goodmorning Tommen, is something going on," Tyrion asks, looking up at his brother Jaime, who shares the same confusion as him.

"N-nothing, uncle! Nothing is going on? I mean, what should be going on," the young boy rambles, sounding very nervous. It was suspicious and Tyrion could not be fooled by his nephew.

And so, both Jaime and Tyrion push past Tommen and walk up to the window. They stare out of it, looking at the young girl immediately.

Ice fills Tyrion's veins as he sees the handmaiden of Lady Tyrell, smelling the exotic flowers of the gardens. She was on her own this time, maybe because Lady Tyrell did not need her service at this moment.

"Tommen, have you been watching the handmaiden by any chance," he asks, looking Tommen straight into the eye.

Tommen was blushing and avoided their gaze, which causes Jaime and Tyrion to look at each other. They shared a gaze that said 'this will be trouble'.

"Tommen, are you in love with her," Jaime asks, closing his eyes while he fears the answer. Tommen did not see it and began rambling.

"She is just so beautiful. A true beauty not known under the lords as they can only look at titles and houses. And her eyes.. she may be poor but those eyes are majestic. And then her kindness-"

"You don't even know her. You have barely spoken to her, if you have even spoken to her in the first place," Tyrion exclaims, not knowing why his nephew was so infatuated with this girl.

"Doesn't matter, uncle. She is just so nice and her devotion to Lady Tyrell is admirable-" "Tommen, you are going too far. You are fawning over her but you don't know her. Maybe she is a cruel woman, or after a title," Jaime tries to convince him. But the prince was having none of it.

"Uncle Jaime, may I ask you something?" "What is it," he sighs. Tommen blushes, but continues. "Whenever I dream of her, I wake up and the.. thing stands up in my pants. Should I call the Maester to check it out for me, or is it normal?"

Tyrion slaps his own face, knowing exactly what he was meaning. He was having a typical case of 'morning wood'. Probably after having some dreams about the handmaiden. Tommen was really far gone.

Jaime seems to not know what to say, so Tyrion saved him from embarassment and pulls him out of the chambers.

His older brother seems confused as he looks at Tyrion. "Did Tommen just say that he had a boner for a handmaiden?" The dwarf sighs and nods his head. "Yes he did. What do we tell Cersei about this, she won't want her son to trail after a handmaiden like a lost puppy," Tyrion says.

Jaime shakes his head frantically. "Don't tell Cersei. Who knows what she will do, and she is already mad at you for sending Myrcella away. Also, maybe it is just a petty fling of Tommen and will go over," he says, more convincing himself than convincing Tyrion.

But Tyrion did not believe that Tommen was just having a 'petty fling'. This was more of an extreme obsession of the young prince, and Tyrion had to watch over him to make sure this obsession wouldn't get out of hand and make Tommen do something rash.


1018 words.

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