(32) Age of Ultron Pt 9

Start from the beginning


Landfall's POV

I followed Tony into the Church while my sister and the others evacuated the civilians I followed my sparkmate to see our naughty son, "Have you come to confess your sins?" Ultron asked Tony.

"I don't know how much time to you have?" Tony asked.

Ultron stood up his frame was made from Vibranium now meaning it would be harder to take him down he looked over to me, "Hello, mother." he greeted.

"Ultron you have to stop this, killing innocent lives is not the key to saving the planet you know this." I reasoned.

Ultron sighed, "You're of a race far more advanced than me, you have seen what mankind has done to itself." Ultron replied.

"Mankind is still young and has much to learn," I replied.

"You should listen to your mother sparkling, we Autobots uphold life because all life decides the freedom to chose their own fate." a voice said.

I looked over in shock to see Drift,  "Life is the right of all Sentient beings Ultron." I said.

"I am saving life, by helping it evolve." Ultron growled out.

"No, the life I carry is the next step in human evolution," I said.

Ultron looked at me in shock, "Your..." Ultron began saying words until he came out with the right one, "Pregnant?" 

"They will be the first a union of human and cybertronian, techno-organic," I said, "You my son are in pain, your anger is hurting everything around you." 

Ultron looked conflicted, "No mom, I am not angry nor am I hurting anyone I am saving them!" he snapped.

Ultron lashed out only to have Tony get between us being knocked out of the way before Shockwave shockingly to my surprise came to my rescue,  "Your rage is illogical Lord Megatron wants the inhabitants on this planet to live so they may serve him." Shockwave said, "It is also illogical to strike a femme while she is sparked." 

"Luci get out of here now!" Tony ordered.

I nodded as Ultron summoned his robot army as I ran from the church,  "Epps I need a ground bridge to my coordinates it is too dangerous for me to be here." I said.

"Ground bridge is activating now," Epps said.

"Good call sis, keep my nieces or nephews safe." Lifeguard said.

As soon as the bridge appeared I went through and ended up on the carrier's bridge, "Remind me to thank Shockwave later if we don't try to end up killing each other first." I said.

"It would be illogical to kill a Sparked Femme of a new species." Came the cryptic reply.

I rolled my eyes at that. I was shocked to see Vector Prime and the Commandos standing on the bridge,  "At least you all are safer up here then down there, it just turned into a warzone." I said.

"A warzone sounds fun right about now," Dugan said.

I shook my head. "Lifeguard The commandos are feeling left out." I said into my internal comms.

"Tell them to get ready they will be on the life pods." Came the reply.

"Commandos to the life pods, get to moving," I said.

"Wahooooooo!" Dugan exclaimed the others following close behind as Howard walked over.

"How are my grandbabies?" He asked which caused everyone to look at me in shock.

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