Chapter 1 Flower Contest

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Hey everyone just a little scoop here these are gonna be one shots and I may at times do two parts if you have any ideas please  feel free to message me or tell me a one shot you want to see. That being said enjoy.

One morning after their owners left the gnomes came to life and all the gnomes were busy making sure their flowers were the best. Today Gnomeo and Juliet were going to judge to see which flowers and plants were the best. This is a friendly contest reds and blues are reunited but it's always fun to have a contest against each other. Gnomeo and Juliet were admiring their little cupid arrow orchid while waiting for the gnomes to finish up.

''It looks amazing, standing there and growing.'' Juliet said smiling.

''Yeah it does it has an amazing gnome taking care of it.'' The blue said chuckling.

Juliet smirked ''I know it does thank you.''

''I was talking about me.'' Gnomeo said nudging the red teasingly.

''Really because what I see is I take care of it more then you, because your off doing ''more important stuff.'' The red shot back.

''If making sure all the holes around the fence is secure so no animal gets in isn't important I don't know what is.'' The blue said grinning.

The red laughed. ''Point taken.''

''Well looks like the gnomes are coming up better get ready to judge these plants.''The blue leader said as they watched the gnomes make there way up to the small wooden table.

''Alright I'll let you know how it goes when I get there first. ''The red playfully flirted as she took off with Gnomeo on hot on her tail.

So the leaders went up to the flowers set on the table and looked at all of them there was two tables full of flowers one for the red and one for the blues. Juliet took the blue side and Gnomeo took the red side both were fair judges.

 On the blue side there were a bunch of different flowers an Anemone a light blue flower with big petals it had Benny's name under it, there was also ameryillis  and Iris and Juliet used a clip board to check which ones she thought were winners.

Gnomeo judging the red table saw all kinds Roses and tulips a orchid and some daisy. Finally it came down to  Lord Redbrick  and Lady Blueberry. Juliet's dad had an Alstromer flower and Gnomeo's mum had an Aster flower. It was a tough pick.

''Which one should win these are the best.'' Gnomeo said as him and Juliet looked at the flowers.

''I say we go for the Alstromer it sticks out more then the other.'' The red said.

''Well I say the Aster it has meaning to it, it symbolizes elegance and dantiness.'' Gnomeo argued.

''Just because it describes your mum doesn't mean it's a winner my dad worked hard on planting that it has meaning to it.'' Juliet said trying to reason with him.

Gnomeo rolled his eyes ''Well I think it should be Aster it stands out more then the red one.''

''What is that suppose to mean?!'' Juliet asked getting annoyed.

''It doesn't mean anything just that has a better meaning then your dads that's all im saying.'' Gnomeo said defending himself.

Lady Blueberry and Lord Redbrick watched the two young couple argue over the flowers.

''Had I known it was gonna be this hard I wouldn't of bothered putting in a flower.'' Lady Blueberry said.

''Well it's good for them as being leaders they are gonna have argument I know me and Marigold did all the time bless her to bits. They are smart they will figure something out.''

Lady Blueberry chuckled. ''They remind me of us just younger both headstrong.''

''Say I have an idea, we have someone mix them and we hold out our hands together and which ever ones we touch is the winner since we can't agree sound fair?'' Gnomeo asked holding onto to Juliet's hand.

Juliet nodded and smiles. ''Sounds good to me.''

''Hey Benny come over here mate.'' Gnomeo called.

Benny came running over. ''What is it have you decided?''

''We want you to mix the plants up and then me and Gnomeo will touch one whichever one we touches wins.'' The red said.

So Benny mixed the flowers up and then the Gnomeo puts his hand on top of Juliet's small one and they closed their eyes and touched one. It turns out they picked Lady Blueberry's.

''The winner is Lady Blueberry.'' Juliet announced and all the gnomes cheered and Lady Blueberry went over to the kids and hugged them both.

''You guys did a great job.'' the blue mom said.

''Thanks mum.'' Gnomeo said.

Juliet looked at Gnomeo ''I'm so sorry I should of just went with your choice.''

The blue leader pulled his red into a hug and kissed her cheek. ''It happens it was hard but hey we fixed it we are team Gnomeo and Juliet we got this.

Juliet smiled and kissed Gnomeo and they pulled apart. ''Yeah we do.''

There you go I hope you all enjoy I have another story Im gonna start tomorrow its gonna be great but stay tuned.

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