I find myself growing annoyed. "Why does it have to be about another boy? Maybe I just realized you were no good for me."

Josh frowns, looking genuinely upset and confused. Then, his expression shifts into his usual, nonchalant happy self. "I'm not giving up."

"I know you're not. Joshua Williams never gives up."

Instead of answering, Josh leans forward and presses a gentle kiss against my cheek. He pulls away and stands up, winking at me before putting on his Batman mask and walking away.

Joshua Williams had once broken my heart. I'll never let that happen again.

Damon and Noah jump onto the couch beside me the instant Josh leaves. "Did that bitch really have the audacity to kiss you on the cheek?" Damon's jaw drops. "I don't even know him or the full story and I already don't like him."

I sigh, unable to believe what had just happened. "Ex-boyfriend. I hadn't seen him for eight months before tonight."

"What did he say?" Noah asks curiously.

"Oh, nothing big," I say sarcastically. "He just said he was still in love with me and wanted to give us another chance."

Now Noah and Damon both look pissed. "I said one wrong move and I'll throw him out," Noah stands up quickly. "And that was the wrong move, James."

"It's Josh." I tell him, laughing quietly.

"Who cares what Johnny's name is?" Damon exclaims. "Come on, Noah, let's fight these Westside boys."

I stand up, violently shoving the two boys back on to the couch. "Relax, he was probably just messing around since he knows he's not going to see me for a while. It's not a big deal."

"Fine," Noah finally exasperates. "But if Justin does something else to piss me off, I will find him and castrate him."

"Why does Noah look like a sulking baby?" Thalia and Lauren walk up to the fire, Thalia laughing at him.

"Some guy from the Westside knew Diana pretty well," Damon explains vaguely. "He kind of bothered Noah."

"Guys," A very drunk Alyce runs our way, jumping onto the couch beside Damon like it was a trampoline. "I made out with a really pretty Westside boy. Superman is dreamy."

Thalia exaggeratedly gags. "You got with the Superman? I would have gone for the Captain America."

Lauren glares at her and elbows her. Thalia chuckles nervously. "But I already have a beautiful girl beside me." Thalia finishes her sentence with a winning smile.

"What about Hunter?" I ask her.

Alyce frowns and pouts. "He said he won't kiss me when I'm drunk. So I kissed Superman."

All of us sigh in disappointment while Alyce prances around, full of glee. "I'm just saying, Captain America is a full course meal, Superman is a snack." Thalia grumbles. Lauren simply rolls her eyes.

Hunter finally arrives, looking more exasperated than I'd ever seen him before. He finally spots Alyce. "Our conversation isn't over, Aly."

Alyce glares at him in her drunken daze. "Well I said it was over, so in conclusion, the conversation is over!"

Hunter collapses on to the couch beside Damon while Alyce continues to run around like a child. "I thought she liked me! The next thing I knew she was making out with that Westside bitch."

"Sorry, Hunter," I sigh, watching as Alyce runs into three girls she doesn't know and start a conversation with them. "She's wild when she's drunk. But I know she'll regret it when she's sober; she's reckless and impulsive, even she knows that."

Thalia looks at me straight in the eyes when she says, "Just because she regrets something doesn't mean she'll change."

Noah grins up at Thalia. "We're not talking about Alyce anymore, are we?"

Thalia smirks. "I saw Joshua in the Batman costume. The mask doesn't really hide him well."

"This has nothing to do with Josh," I say in a clipped tone. "Now let's sober up Alyce before she runs through a concrete wall."

A/N: how are you guys feeling about Josh so far? Let me know! Vote and comment so I can see how I'm doing in your perspectives!

Also please point out any errors, pictures that don't load or videos, anything that needs improvement just tell me :)

I hope you guys are liking this new version of SWAD. I can assure you I like this TAOFIL much better than SWAD.

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