Chapter 20

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Calum's POV.

Michael, Luke, and I are all sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. Luke and Michael are discussing their thoughts on why Ashton overdosed on my old sleeping medication, I sit there silently a while because I know the exact reason. I'm just scared they'll hate me for it. I don't blame them. I kind of hate me for it too, but I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. Ashton shouldn't have left the party anyways.

"Maybe he somehow got on twitter again." Luke suggests.

Michael looks like he's thinking about it, but then says, "How though? We took his laptop and set up that thing on his phone so he can't use it. He seemed alright at the party so I don't know what could have happened between then and this morning." 

They stay silent for a minute and then a single tear slips down Luke's cheek, "He's going to be okay... right, Mikey?" Before Michael can respond Luke cuts him off, "This is my fault I should have watched him?" That's unexpected. Why would Luke think it's his job to watch Ashton? It's mine. I just suck at it.

I sit while they talk about it a while more until I decide that I have to tell them eventually so it might as well be now. 

"It was my fault." I say and the immediately shut up.

"What?" Luke says, confused. I wipe the sweat that is forming on my palms. It's too late to go back now.

I take a deep breathe, "Ashton did it because of me." 

"Calum, that doesn't make any sense." Michael says, "You didn't do anything." 


"Actually what?" Luke snaps back. I can already tell he's getting mad at me and I haven't even told him yet.

"Well, he may or may not have walkedinonmeandKaylynnnakedinbedbecauseIaccidentlysleptwithherlastnightwhileIwasdrunk." I rush out hoping they wouldn't understand.

"Wait say that again all I heard was Kaylynn." Michael says calmly.

I sigh and begin to tell the whole story, "Last night after you guys all left the party me and Kaylynn got really wasted and I guess we went back to our house and, you know, done some things." I look at them to see their reactions. Luke looks kind of hurt more so than angry. Michael, however, looks as though he's going to tear my head off the next chance he gets. "Apparently this morning Ashton had made me breakfast and brought it up to my room for me and when he came in he saw me and Kaylynn naked and asleep in my bed. He dropped the tray with the food on it and that's what woke me up. The second I realized Kaylynn was with me I kicked her out. Then I saw the tray and stuff and realized what Ashton was trying to do and what he must've seen us, so I ran around trying to find him and there he was, passed out on the floor." I take a deep breath after finishing the story and wait for them to say something.

Michael is the first to speak, "How the fuck could you do that, Calum?"

"I didn't mean to I was drunk!" I say trying to defend myself.

"You still shouldn't have done it!" he retaliates.

"Well maybe Ashton shouldn't have left early." I say back.

"He dare you try and blame this on Ashton. Even after you made him do that." Luke spits at me. His words make me feel guilty, I tilt my head down and look at my hands. "It honestly just sickens me that you genuinely believe that this isn't at all your fault and you're willing to blame poor Ashton for you're actions. I can't even look at you"

With that, he gets up and walks away. Michael quickly gets up and follows him. I am left to sit by myself and think about how badly I've fucked things up. All I can do now is just hope that Ashton is okay.

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