Chapter 6

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Calums POV.

It's been six hours since they took Ashton in, making it almost midnight. Time is going by agonizingly slow. I just want to know if he's okay or not.

Michael and Luke went home an hour ago to get some rest, but I stayed here. I need to be here the second I'm able to see him. Even if it means sleeping on these terribly uncomfortable waiting room chairs. They told me I was to call them, though, if I heard anything about him.

After what seemed to be another hour, a different nurse with red hair and rectangular glasses, holding a clipboard came out of the doors. This had happened several times, so I wasn't very hopeful that she would bring me news of Ashton's condition.

To my surprise, though, the nurse looked at her clip board and said, "Is there anyone here for Mr. Ashton Irwin?"

My eyes imediatley grow wide and I get very excited. Only to be let down when I realize that this could be the moment I find out my best friend could be dead. He is only my best friend, right? Nothing more? I don't even know anymore. Right now isn't a very good time to think about this, though, so I rise from the chair and walk over to her. "I am," I tell her. "I-is he alright?" I stutter.

"He's alive." she says with a sigh, "But he's in a coma and we're not sure when he'll wake up or if he even will." she looks me in the eyes. I can see sympathy in her beautiful green ones. They're no where near as mezmorising as Ashton's. Wait. I may never even see Ashton's eyes again. This thought brings me to tears and I feel multiple running down my face. The nice nurse rubs my arm to comfort me. "You are able to go see him now if you'd like."

I nod my head slowly and she shows me to his room. We go down a hallway that says "Intensive Care Unit", which frightens me a bit.

When we get to the door I just stand there a moment. I don't even know if I want to go in. I don't want to see Ashton not laughing and smiling. I don't want to see him as a vegatable. I wanna see him bright, happy, and those adorable dimples of his. Did I just say adorable? I meant it like 'wow I wish I had dimples like that. All the girls love them' adorable.

"They say that if you talk to people when they're in comas they can hear you." the nurse says to me, "You may even be able to coax him out of it!"

I smile at her, "Thank you." I say.

She nods her head. She turns to leave, but stops and says, "My name's Rose, by the way. If you need any help or anyone to talk to about this come talk to me." She gives me a toothless smile and leaves, closing the door gently.

I turn towards Ashton, tears rolling down my cheeks. I take in his appearence. His wrists are all bandaged, he has tubes sticking out of him everywhere. Ashton may not be dead, but he looks as though he is. Although he has blood being put into him, he still looks paler than he should be and he's lying there with his eyes closed and a straight face. It's terrifying me. The only soothing thing about this whole thing is the small breaths he takes every once is a while, which indicates that he is still alive, even though he does have a mask that's helping him, and the heart monitor that shows that his heart is, in fact, beating despite how slowly it's doing so.

I barely have time to say anything to Ashton because a man walks in. "My name is Dr. Finch." he has a deep voice, and a balding head of grey hair. He's old, but not too old and he seems to be a nice guy, I just hope he has some good news about Ashton.

He motions to the practically lifeless boy, "Your friend, here, has cut pretty deep and it seems that due to lack of blood circulation through the brain, he has become comatose." I nod, showing him that I understand and then he continues, "We arent sure for how long this will last. We'll be doing a CT scan tomorrow and that should help us give you a rough estimate," he informs me. Dr. Finch scratches his chin while saying, "From what I can tell from past experience, he should wake up in hopeflully no more than a few weeks and at a minimum, I would say, about four or five days, but that is only a minimum, so I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you, there have been people that didn't come out at all."

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