Chapter 15

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Calum's POV.

I know that I shouldn't have left Ashton, but I didn't know what else to do. I was so angry and hurt at the time.

Don't get me wrong I still am angry, but not at Ashton any more. Now I'm mad at myself. I can't believe he's been doing this for six months and I never even noticed. How does someone I live with eat practically nothing and no one notice. I could have helped him if he had just told me.

He probably wants no part of me now though. I feel terrible for just leaving him like that I just needed time to myself.

It's been about a half an hour since I left, but I'm not ready to go back yet. I still need to clear my mind and think about this a bit. 

Only a few minutes later my phone starts to ring and I take it out of my pocket to see who's calling. When I see that it's Luke I immediately hit the ignore button and put it back. I walk a bit farther and find a playground. 

I take a seat on the swing, but don't actually swing. I just kind of sit there, staring at nothing really as the rain soaks my already wet sweatshirt. The rain starts to slow, but the skies are still dark. I take my sweatshirt off because its making me even colder than I already am and I just throw it to the ground.

After sitting there a while longer I hear my phone go off, but a text this time. I get frustrated thinking it's one of the guys, but when I take it out, I am surprised to see its my ex girlfriend Kaylynn. We broke up on good terms and we're still friends, but I haven't really seen her since we started touring. Her text says that she's just arrived in London a couple days ago and she's going to be here for the next six weeks and she wanted to know if I wanted to hang out sometime. Then she added where she would be staying.

I decide to call her instead and after three rings she picks up.

"Hey, Cal!" she says happily. It's really nice to hear one of my old friends voices after being away from Australia for so long.

"Hey! I wanted to know if you would want to have lunch today to catch up." I offer her.

"I'd love to!" she exclaims, "But I don't really know anywhere in London so you'll have to pick where we go." 

I laugh. "Okay, I'll text you where and when."

"Great! I'll see you then."

"Alright, bye!" I say and hang up. It'll be refreshing seeing someone from home. I can't wait to tell her about touring and stuff. She was always so supportive of me.

I get off the swing and walk some more. Our flat isn't far from all the restaurants in London so it doesn't take me long to get there.

After walking the streets for a bit I decide on a Nandos since their food is amazing and text Kaylynn directions to it.

About an hour later she finally gets here and I'm over joyed to see her. We share a long hug and I inhale her perfume which is surprisingly the same kind she wore two years ago.

"I'm so happy to see you!" she says when we finally pull back from our hug.

"I'm happy to see you too!" I say and I feel my stomach growl. "Let's go in." I say and she giggles and walks into the restaurant.

After the waiter takes us to our seats and hands us menus I finally take in her full appearance. She has blond hair and blue eyes that I used to get lost in. She's very small like height wise and body wise. She wears a Pierce The Veil t-shirt, all black converse, and purple skinny jeans that show off her amazing legs.

She's even more beautiful now than when we were together only now that I think about it I'm not even attracted to her at all. I'm attracted to Ashton and only Ashton, but he probably hates me now.

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