Rebound pt 2

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For about one month, Michael had been what I consider a friend with benefits of sorts. Michael had genuine feelings for me, and I knew I was starting to grow feelings for him, too, but I just wasn't ready for any solid relationship yet. I still wasn't quite over Jeremy.

Still, Michael felt like a boyfriend at times. He walked me to class, kissed me goodbye, took me places I'd always wanted to go. He treated me perfectly, and I felt like shit for not giving him a real relationship.

Maybe I was more ready than I thought.

One day, Michael and I were sitting on ny bed in my room playing video games. I was sitting in his lap, my back to his chest as I kicked his ass at Mario Kart 8.

"Dammit," he mumbled as I won again, and I giggled.

"That's what happens wheb you fight the master," I sighed, seeing him roll his eyes animatedly. "Oh, don't even act like it's not true."

He laughed at me, dropping his face to kiss my cheek tenderly, and I felt my whole face heat up. No matter how many times he did that, I hadn't gotten used to it quite yet.

"Hey, Michael?" I asked suddenly, dropping my controller carefully onto the floor and looking at him. At my words and actions, he leaned over me to do the same, then wrapped his arms around me lovingly.

"What's up?" he returned, arms warming up my slightly cold body.

I chewed my lip, considering how I wanted to word it. "You...Do you still want to go out with me?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied without missing a beat. I nodded, smiling to myself.

"Well, I think I might be ready to give it a shot," I said with a little smile.

His expression took a slow transition from shocked to overjoyed. "Are you serious?!"

I nodded, and he jumped off of the bed, taking me with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lips taking my own passionately. He didn't let me go for quite some time, but, when he did, he was still grinning hugely.

"I will absolutely not let you down," he told me, eyes unable to focus on one thing at a time. His hands were twitching from excitement, and his breathing was almost as quick as his heartbeat.

"I'll put my trust in you," I offered, smiling up to him. He almost seemed eager to capture my lips once more. That was most definitely his favorite way to show affection - kissing me until we couldn't breathe. He did it every day, and it never got old.

His hands gripped my waist, pulling me up a little so he didn't have to arch his back quite as much. I stood on the ends of my toes, hoping to help him out. He broke off for a moment, but found himself trailing down to my shoulder, and I shivered excitedly.

"Nothing too big, Michael," I whined. "I only have T-shirts, and the shirts don't cover so close to my neck.

He grinned wickedly, before marking exactly where I'd just asked him not to.

"Asshole," I moaned, gripping his hair in one of my hands.

"Can you blame me for being happy?" he pondered, lips trailing up my neck as he spoke. "I'm just so happy that you're finally mine."

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