I panicked slightly when tears started to form in her eyes.

"I'm sorry but you're just so sweet and I'm just so emotional and yeah." She cried, smiling .

I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"Wow. So this is what it is like when an already overly emotional woman gets pregnant. Interesting." I smiled, helping her out of the car.

It was her turn to roll her eyes and she scowled as she did so.

Our names were called as soon as I entered the pack house.

"Mija! You're so big now I almost didn't recognise you!"

Estrella rolled her eyes once more, but this time at her very excited father.

"Are you eating enough sweetheart? Are you getting enough rest?"

"Yes daddy! You don't need to worry! I'm taking care of myself and Julius is also taking good care of me."

"He better be, for his own sake. Any way I've got to get going. Alina could I have a quick word with you?".

Estrella looked between us skeptically as I nodded and we moved further away so that we were out of earshot.

"I just wanted to thank you for your advice the other night. Demetria loved every moment of it  and I feel closer to her now than ever."

"You're welcome Mr Alvarez. I am really glad you two are doing so well. But don't you think it's time to let Estrella know what's been going on?"

"I know I know but I just..I'm not sure how she will react. I would like to avoid getting her stressed out because of her current state. This is a very crucial stage in her pregnancy."

I sighed. "Alright. But you will have to tell her at some point."

I left my best friend's dad in search of my best friend, whom I found sitting in the Dining room.

It was strange that we called it a dining room when it was really more of a cafe, considering it's size and how many tables there were.

I sat down at the table, causing Estrella to jump slightly.

"Oops. Sorry didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright I was just thinking about something and didn't even notice you come up to the table."

"Oh really? So what's got your mind so occupied?" I asked.

"It's...nothing. Seriously don't worry about it. Here is your hot chocolate, with your favourite little marshmallows and shavings of your favourite type of imported dark chocolate."

"Ahhh you know me so well." I beamed.

"Well of course, I mean being the bestest best friend is kind of my thing."

"Riiiight. Anyways, why'd you pick the pack dining area as opposed to the Alpha's private dining area?"

"I don't know. I guess I just missed being here. It's not as busy or noisy at the palace. I miss having the pack a hop skip and a jump away you know."

"Yeah I get it. Hey, why don't we visit the lounge? I'm sure there's bound to be something interesting to do in there. And plus, we can sit and talk properly about your upcoming baby shower!"

"Well I guess so." She shrugged, struggling to get up onto her feet.

"Woah there. Here I've got you." I giggled, helping her up. I had strategically suggested we go the lounge. We had done a little redecorating since she had last visited the pack house.

"Gosh I don't remember the lounge being this far away!" She whined, waddling beside me.

"Well you weren't so big the last time you came here!" I laughed, winking at her.

"I know! This baby is huge! I'm surprised he or she isn't done baking yet!" She responded, laughing.

"Finally!" She groaned as we reached our destination. "Ooooh you repainted the walls baby blue! It looks so ni..."

He mouth hung open as she stared at the huge gold 5 by 8 feet photo frame hanging just above the fireplace.

"Do you like it?"

"It's... Me...and Julius....and we are huge! Isn't that the night of the coronation? How did you even get that photo?"

"Xavier took the photo when you too were having some private time on the balcony. The moon was out and you guys were already holding hands, meaning he got the perfect shot."

"It's absolutely beautiful! I love it?! I'm guessing you're partly responsible for this?"

"Yes of course. Julius saw it yesterday but I asked him not to tell you yet because I wanted to do the honours. But I couldn't have done it without your Penny, Xavier, Damian, your dad and his girlf....."

I cursed realising my mistake.


"No um what I meant to say was nerf gun, you know to ward off any thieves?". I mentally facepalmed at my appalling attempt at redeeming myself.

"Since when did my dad have a girlfriend?"

"Since about 4 months ago?"

"What? How come I didn't know about her? Who is she?"

"Estrella your dad...."

"Alina...." she dragged out, her tone warning me.

"Demetria." I sighed, giving in.

Estrella was silent for a few moments.

"How did you find out?"

"I saw them kissing. I've been giving your dad tips and helping him plan a few dates for a couple of months now."

"And you didn't think I would have liked to know?" She exclaimed, clearly pissed.

"Estrella you have to understand. He wanted to tell you himself and swore me to secrecy. The same way he asked Julius not to tell you about him moving away from the pack with Demetria after the baby is born."


"Where is he moving Alina?"

"Back to Spain Estrella. Somewhere in Andalucía." I said quietly.

Damn me and my big mouth!

"Julius was on the phone a little while back. Enquiring about some apartment in Andalucía. He's helping my dad move isn't he?"

There was no need for me to respond to her question. She already knew the answer.

"So all along you have all been hiding shit from me. I can't believe this. You're supposed to be my best friend Alina." She whispered the last part, fresh tears starting to fall.

"Hey beautiful. What are you doing here?" Julius asked walking into the room.

"Don't touch me. How dare you?" She bellowed, shoving her mate with an obscene amount of force.

Luckily, my brother was built like a rock.

"Woah what's the matter?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"You knew the whole time about my dad wanting to move away. You were even helping him!"

"mi amor...."

"No. Just leave me alone! Both of you." She screamed before storming out of the room, steam blowing out of her ears.

Julius pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing heavily.

We had screwed up big time.

Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now