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Kim Taehyung POV.

I was just sleeping peacefully when suddenly someone jumped on me with their body. I made a not so attractive noise and then heard someone laugh. I looked up and saw Jinyoung laugh down at me with his stupid smile.

I smiled up at him. This reminds me of when we were younger. He would always do this on the morning of Christmas. Wait- Christmas? It's christmas today!!! Suddenly I jumped up and hugged Jinyoung tight. 

Jinyoung laughed and so did I. "Merry Christmas Junior" I said and looked at Jinyoung. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Merry Christmas TaeTae" He said and we walked downstairs hand in hand.

To others this may look like we're a couple but we always did this. Since we were kids. I mean we are like siblings and it's a tradition for us to do this. I remember the first Christmas I held with Jinyoung. 

We were children and I was sleeping peaceful when someone jumped on me with their body. I looked up and it was Jinyoung laughing at me with his stupid smile. I smiled back and we hugged while saying 'Merry Christmas' to eachother. Then he kissed me on my cheek and at that time I blushed like crazy. Then we walked downstairs hand in hand. It was one of the best days in my life and still is one of the best days. 

When we came downstairs everyone was sitting down and they looked up when they saw us. Jungkook didn't look that happy about me holding hands with Jinyoung. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Then I smiled at him.

"Merry Christmas Kookie" I said and he smiled at me. I walked over to Jinyoung and we sat down infront of the tree and held hands again. We looked at eachother and then up at the star on the tree. Then Jinyoung started to speak.

"So tree it's Christmas again and I'm finally home. I'm gonna say this once and for all. One day I'm gonna be as tall as you! And when I do I will take your star and walk around with it on my head. Anyways. It was a good year so far. I mean I'm with my soulmate again. And he is getting taller. And just like I said last time he is still pretty. And then TaeTae will speak now. But I'm definitely not finished with you yet" Jinyoung said and glared at the tree. I laughed at him then I started to speak.

"Merry Christmas tree. And don't take anything Jinyoung said seriously I think he's still a little drunk by that Red Wine he drank when we were 14" I started and laughed a little. Then Jinyoung slapped my arm lightly and I continued with my speech.

"And don't worry tree he won't grow taller than you. You know he say that each year but it will never happen. Anyways he is finally home with me. It's so fantastic that he is here again. And like he said I am still pretty. And like I said the last time he is still stupid. But I'm also happy my soulmate is home" I said and Jinyoung laughed. Then we looked at eachother. We took out two necklaces we made the first Christmas we were together.

He took his necklace on and I took mine on. The we locked our pinkies together and took our index fingers on the others noses. Then we said together: "Another year, another month, another week, another day and another time we will be together. You magical star will now shine in the night and make us remember another amazing moment we have shared. We may be different but we love eachother" We said and smiled.

"Jinyoung do you promise to try and grow taller and still be as stupid until next year?" I asked and he laughed. "Of course. And do you Taehyung promise to try and not kick my ass and still be pretty until next year?"He asked and I laughed at him. "I will try" I said and then we stood up. Jinyoung lifted me up and I took the star down from the tree.

I then threw it on the ground and Jinyoung and I laughed loudly while screaming. "MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GOOD NOODLES!!!" Then we looked at the others who all looked confused except Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Jinyoung's father, Jimin, Jin and Jaebum since it isn't the first time they saw us doing this.

"What the hell was that?" Yoongi asked and Baekhyun laughed. "That's a tradition they have done every single year they held Christmas together. It is quite amusing and sweet to see. I remember the first year they did it. We filmed it and it's a tradition to see that every year on Christmas" Baekhyun said and smiled at us.

"Jinyoung and Taehyung is the two that have made most of our Christmas traditions since we became family. I remember the year they said mistletoes was something you should burn right after you stood unde rit with someone" Chanyeol said and laughed with the others at the memory.

Jinyoung and I looked at eachother and nodded. "And this year we will make three new traditions since we have some new family members" Junior said and I nodded at his words. Then we all sat down and the boring adults walked out to buy more presents while we decided to talk about different things.

"One year Tae said we needed to all dress in nothing but red and I didn't have anything but my mother's old red dress so I needed to wear that because if I didn't wear nothing else than red Tae would burn my hair in the middle of the night" Jinyoung said and everyone laughed. 

"That was a good year to be honest!" I said and laughed more. "But do you remember when you forgot to buy BamBam a present and as a punishment you had to sing It's Raining Men at the top of your lungs in the middle of the night in nothing but a pair of white boxers. That was a good Christmas" I said and Jinyoung's cheeks burned red but chuckled himself.

I could feel this was gonna be a good Christmas. The best since I'm with my friends, family and my Mate. It is anything I ever wanted. To be happy. And to have a good Christmas with people I loved. 

"I remember the year where Baekhyun burned Chanyeol's favorite T-shirt because he gave him a Cheesecake for his present" Jaebum said and we laughed at that. "Yeah I remember that too. Atleast he bought me a new T-shirt for Christmas the year after" Chanyeol said as he walked into the room with more presents in his arms.

"It was your own fault" Baekhyun said as he walked behind him. "Hey! You said you liked Cheesecake" Chanyeol said and Baekhyun slapped him on the arm. "Not as a present you idiot" He said and laughed. Then Chanyeol took a hold of Baekhyun's waist and kissed him on the lips.

I covered Jinyoung's eyes and gasped loudly. "Not infront of the kids. Keep it atleast under 13+ Thank you very much" I said and the others laughed. Then Jinyoung swatted my hands away and crossed his arms with a smile on his face.

Suddenly I felt someones presence behind me. I looked up and saw a mistletoe and Jaebum smirking slightly. The mistletoe was inbetween Jungkook and I. I huffed with red cheeks. "You know Tae you said a couple of years back you had to kiss when you stood under a mistletoe" Jaebum said and I could feel I blushed more.

I looked at Jungkook and he smirked slightly. Then we leaned in and his lips met mine. It was a sweet kiss filled with love. Suddenly I heard a gag sound. I pulled away from Jungkook and saw Jinyoung cover his eyes. 

"MY EYES MY EYES!!! I'M BLIND!!! THIS IS SOME ADULT STUFF. MY INNOCENT EYES ARE FOREVER SCARRED" He yelled and fell on the ground. I kicked him and took the mistletoe from Jaebum and quickly found a lighter. The I burned the mistletoe. I looked up and saw Yoongi look a little scared.

"So you weren't kidding about the mistletoe thing huh?" He asked and we laughed at his words. This was gonna be the best Christmas ever. I had my best friends with me, my soulmate jinyoung where back, my sister and brother where here, Nayeon and her friends would be here and I had my mate. What could go wrong?

"LET'S WATCH A CHRISTMAS MOVIE!!!" Jin yelled and I shook my head. I already knew what movie it was gonna be. We watched the same movie every freaking year. But it's okay. Atleast I'm watching it with people I love.

"Okay let's do it. Barbie in a Christmas Carol here we come"


There you go chapter 28. I'm actually a little disappointed in myself. I feel this chapter is all over the place but I promise it will be better later. But that's just how I feel. What do you feel about it?

Anyways GUYS I HAVE 7K READERS!!! THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! It means so much to me!!! 

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting please continue with that and I will see you in the next chapter ;)


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