Chapter 4

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        Hours after the phone call, police cars were all up and down the road and police were out searching the woods  and surrounding areas with search dogs. Mr. Browne had seen the news on the T.V. at his office and had a mini heart attack and was told to take the rest of the week off.

  At the moment, Mr. Browne was sitting hunched over at his dining room table. The news reporter had said that Mrs. Browne had reported her child missing, and that upset him even more, seeing as his wife was dead and there was no possible way for her to alert the police. He had then told this to the sheiriff, who then proceeded to interrogate the front desk lady at the elementary school that had informed them. She told them what she knew; that the lady on the phone stated she was Angela's mother, but never stated a name. The sheiriff, Carlson, then took this to mean that the Unsub had contacted them and so then proceded to call in the BAU.

    So, all in all, I caused a lot of trouble with one phone call.

   "Mr. Browne."

    His head jerked up at his name. He looked around, searching for where the voice had came from.

 " And now I'm going crazy," Mr. Browne muttered to himself.

  "No, not at all, Mr. Browne. There is nothing wrong with your hearing, either."

  Mr. Browne finally locked on to where my voice was coming from and I emerged from my hiding spot in the shadows, still wearing my disguise. I slowly approached the distressed man as to let him adjust to my sudden appearance.

  "You- you...You're the lady that-that..." His voiced trailed off as he stared at me in shock.

   "Yes, James, I called the school. I've come here to talk to you."

   His face turned from shock to confusion.

  "How'd you get in my house? How do you know my name? Who are you? "

  I laughed. " Mr. Browne, I'm afraid you ask to many questions when I am running on a tight schedule."

 I took a breath before launching into my explanation.

  " I have always been here, James, ever since your daughter was born. I am part of an organization that looks after children from the time they were born to their eighteenth birthday. Though, only at a young age are they aware of us. Over time, their memories of us fade away and they only remember a small portion of us. We come in many forms, but most are shadow creatures. Take me, for example." Here I willed myself back to my real form and Mr. Browne looked as if he was going to faint." We are called Monsters. Or Guardian Monsters, if you want to be technical."

  "Bu-but...How?" He asked, looking me up and down. I knew what he thinking, as every human thinks when they first look at me: I was an angel of death, come to take him away. Or something like that. I could tell my aura was starting to effect him. Like all Monsters of the council, I had a very strong aura. It was almost visible: an outline of blackness surrounding my body. It acted as a black hole around me, pulling in heat and light, and trapping it there. It was used to tell authority and power just by looking at a Monster. The darker the aura, the stronger the Monster.

  "My kind were here since the beginning of time, Mr. Browne. Every human to ever exist had a Monster looking after them. I think you had General Grelk. Ya' know, he was the one who trained me. But that is beside the point. I came to you let you know that, being Angela's protector, I will get her back in one piece." With that a turned and walked back to the shadows and melted into them, using them as transport to my realm.

   I had some work to do.

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