Part 38

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eddie p.o.v.

it has been what seemed like forever. forever since richie has been in that room. i still couldn't wrap my head around it. it hurt like crazy! "i need some air" i say. going outside. i heard joyce sigh. i sit on the first step taking a deep breath. the cold air hits my face. tears start to manifest in my eyes, threatening to spill out. but i wouldn't let that happen, i need to be strong, for richie. i hear the door open, beverly sits next to me. "he's going to be okay, you know that right?" she says. i nod, not looking at her. i see her smile sadly at me, and she gets back, going back inside, leaving me be. thank god. the cold breeze washed over me. i close my eyes dreaming that i was in richies arms. i wish i was. i want to feel his arms around me. i want him to remeber everything...i open my eyes and i feel a hot teat run down my face. god, i was trying to be strong! i quickly wiped it away and got up going back inside. i go over and sit with the other again. "you okay?' i whisper to joyce. she nods a little giving me a sad smile. i smiles back at her. and then finally, the octor comes over. "i have news" he says. "he will be fine, the surgery went fine, we have everything fixed up, he will be okay, and hopefully his memory will be back soon." i sigh in relief. the others started cheering, hopper hugs joyce as she smiles. she goes over to will and jonathan. for some rason, i don't even know him that well, steve comes over to me. "hey, see, he's okay" i smile at him. "thank you" i say softly. he smiles at me. he rubs my shoulder and goes back to where he was standing. beverly comes over to me. "i told he was going to be okay" she says. i smile at her. "you sure did, thank you" "no need to thank me" she says. she smiles and walks off. 

eleven p.o.v.

i had heard that richie was going to be okay, thank god. i sure do hope he will get his memory back soon. i hate to see eddie in pain like this. he didn't deserve this, nor did richie. i sat on my bed. hopper came in and stayed with me. finally they let richie back in here. he was still asleep though. we had to wait for a little while. i sigh as everyone talks amounf themselves. eddie staying over by richie, along with joyce. eddie was holding his hand, and joyce was holding his other hand. i just hope when he wakes up he won't be to overwhelmed when he wakes up...

richie p.o.v.

i woke up to the sound of voices. i open my eyes and look over at my mom. "m-mom?" "richie?" "what happened?" i ask. "you went to surgery" i hear a familiar voice. "eddie?" "yeah, its me" he looked so bad, he had bags under his eyes, his eyes were red, his face had tear marks. "did we get out of hawkins?" i ask. they looked confused. "we told you this richie, we did" "no you didn't, all i remember is falling and then dark" "wait, do you remember?" "yeah, why wouldn't i?""you lost your memory, richie, the last thing you remembered was breaking up with, thank gd you remember!" he says hugging me. i smile. "oh richie" my mom says hugging me aswell, everyone else hugged me and told me what happened wheni lost my memory. i am os glad i remember. 

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