Part 12

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richie p.o.v.

eddie was asleep again. he was adorble when he sleeps. his eyes were a little puffy, and his face was a little red still, but he still looked adorable. he was just the best in the whole world.i love him so much. iheld him close, trying to scare away the nightmares. these were starting to act up again, and i am not surprised. i soon fell asleep to. or almost did when there was a knock at the door. "richie?" i hear joyce say. "hey joyce" i whisper so i don't wake up eddie. "is everything okay? jonathan and will said the heard eddie crying" "yeah, everything is okay something has just come up, i promise everything is okay". "okay honey" she leaves and i look down at eddie. he was still asleep. thank god. "you awake rich?" "yeah" i say smiling down at him. he opens his eyes ad looks up at me. "how long was i aslee for?" "not very long, about 30 minutes maybe" "okay" he says nodding. "wanna call the others, tell them?" "he asks. "yeah, sure" we go into the living room and go to the phone. "h-hello?" "bill, it's richie, IT'S back""w-w-what?!" "come to my house, me and eddie are calling everyone else" "o-okay" i call the others and they are all heading here. we wait in my room. eddie's head was n my lap, and i was petting his hair. i could hear IT'S voice in my head again. "beep beep richie" i heard it over and over again. i was staring at the wall. i heard a knock and turned to see bill and stan coming in. "so, IT'S back?" stan says. i nod my head. "how do you know?" "i heard him, through the phone" "huh?" "he called me, he said "beep beep richie" to me" "how do you know it wasn't a prank?" "cause no one here knows about IT, and i know IT'S voice, it was IT." stan nods his head. soon after the others get here. we go over a plan and we look at a map of hawkins to see of there was anywhere we think IT would be. "we should check the sewers first cause you know, he lives in the sewers. but my question is, why is IT here, and not in derry. and it also hasn't even been 27 years yet, so what is the deal with that huh?!" i say. "i don't know" eddie says in a hushed tone. eddie left the rom to go and get a drink, but he was taking longer then what you would think. "i'm going to go and check on eddie." i say. i go to the kitchen seeing eddie standing there looking off into space. "eddie?" he looks over at me. "you okay?" "yeah, it's just hrd to think-that IT is back" "i know" i say giving him a sad smile. a singe tear slid down his face. he wipered. "hey, don't cry" i say going over to him. i wipe away the tear. he looks down. "i love you eddie, i'm not letting anything touch you" i say. another tar left his eyes. i grab him and give him a hug. he was full on crying now. "i don't derve" he says. "don't say that. if anything i dn't deserve you" i say. he sniffles. "your wrong." "no i'm not, your so amazing eddie, i don't know what i would do without you" i say. i kiss him before he could answer. "i love you eddie" "i love you too richie" he says. i wipe away a few tears and he smiles a little. i hug him once more. "i'm not letting IT touch you ever again, not after last time"

a/n:i am so sorry that i haven't updated but school is getting pretty busy, and i have been trying to watch the rest of season 7 of once upon a time. when i first watchd it when it forst came out, i just didn't really like it, but i am giving it another chance, and i love it. i have a few episodes left, and i just want the curse to be broken! it's so good, if you don't watch it, i suggest you do, cause it is amazing. okay, thanks for reading guys. love y'all!!

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