Chapter 7

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Fia's POV

When I was a kid, I wondered what it was like to be poor. 

It's a stupid thing to think of, I know, but for most of my childhood, I was blessed with parents who took their education seriously and obtained strong paying careers. My mother was a professor at our only University in my village while my father was the mayor for quite some time—I'm not quite sure if he still is or not. 

Watching television wasn't very common back in my village, the adult witches thought it was fantasizing the human world making it seem like fun while, in reality, the witches thought it was dangerous. It is quite ironic, to say the least.

I assumed every human was poor despite the shows on television and, for some reason, I wanted to be just like them. 

I remember when I was shamed away from my village and was alone for the first month. I looked for every spell in every book to go back in time to see if I could erase what I said when I was young. Maybe just a little bit of hope would've been enough. To even imagine having half of what I used to have seemed impossible. 

I didn't realize how much I hated being alone until that night when Adam slept in the same room as me. Being alone makes you feel things that you've never felt. It makes you cold and starves you of empathy. Having people surround you turns you into a better person. Being able to interact with people help you understand others more and adapt kinder traits. 

I'm not sure if I ever want to spend a moment by myself ever again.

 I've been "chilling" with Amanda for the entire morning. I recently just learnt the word "chilling" from her, it took me a while to grasp the concept of it and to not automatically think about being cold.

I watched her as she sipped on her peppermint tea and typed away on her keyboard. I, of course, had coffee in my hands, I wasn't sure why she hated coffee so much, I love it.  She's been helping out with her brother's "pre-alpha work". 

"Y'know," She starts, then fully swallows her gulp of tea. "You're going to have to do this one day," then mouths, "If you stay."

I almost forgot he was my "mate".

"No pressure." She smiles awkwardly. 

"No pressure," I reply back. Some pressure. A lot of pressure. A sat back in the recliner and let out a sigh. 

Suddenly, a knock on the door came about. I jumped as my initial reaction then, next thing I knew, a vase on top of the fireplace shattered into a billion pieces.

Amanda's eyes grew wide and I became very afraid. 

"Get upstairs now," She whisper-yelled. I was unsure as to why I needed to go upstairs but I obliged anyway.

I completely forgot about my injuries until about halfway on the staircase. I felt strong warm arms incase me in a second and carried me into the room I was staying in. 

After the slamming of the room's door, I was encased once again in a hug.  

"W-w-what are you doing," I stammered. I knew it was Adam by the way he smelt. 

"If I get my scent on you then whoever is down there wouldn't be able to smell that a witch in the house," He whispered in my ear. My shoulders shivered as his hot breath reached my neck. 

I didn't try to fight the hug, I embraced it instead. I understood why he would want to keep me a secret. Witches never got along with other species. 

"Your magic smells." 

"Excuse me?"

"It smells, not a bad smell, but it's strong. When you broke the vase it smelt up the whole house," Adam told me.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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