Chapter 1

501 23 5

Sean O'Pry as Adam Rey

The cast list is up and in no specific order!


(Fia's POV)

bump, clink, CRASH

"Shit," I hear a soothing low voice curse under his breath.

It immediately catches my attention as I slowly feel my heart melt at the sound of it. His voice was like music, classical music if you will. It was the best sounding 'shit' I've ever heard in my life. I had to find out who's voice this belongs to.

I slowly sit up on the soft white cushion surface that I was on, ignoring the pains shooting from my thighs to my sides and ever so carefully turning my stiff neck to meet this... this, angel.

But he wasn't there and that's when it hit me.

Burning wood and brewing coffee.

Both really homey smells that made me want to cuddle up next to them. Smells that, for some odd reason, makes me want to smell all damn day. It was one of those things that you'd never want to end, it was a type of smell that you got on your pillow and you never washed off because it's that good.

And that's when I realised it. There was no wood burning anywhere near me and there was definitely no coffee unless it would already be in my hands by now.

I turn my stiff neck the other way, hearing it crack a bit and that's when my eyes landed on the deepest oceans on this planet. The waters were swirling with greens, blues, and... gold? It was strings of sparkling gold swirling across it. The ocean had gold in it, but somehow it looked natural like God Himself put it there just for our entertainment.

But they weren't oceans. They were eyes.

I blinked hard. It was the angel that I heard from earlier's eyes. I watch him as he kneels before the bed that I just realised that I'm on and takes my small hand in his large tanned one. The sparks are what draws me in straight away, it felt like a billion bolts shooting from the tips of my fingers to my heart, making it expand 10 times bigger. It somehow made my knees go weak even though I'm sitting on a bed, it made my brain turn into mush and I barely registered what he did next.

He kissed my hand and in his angelic voice he whispered,


7 hours earlier

"Hello, deers, come out, come out wherever you are. I would really love to eat you!" I make clicking noises with my mouth to try and attract them. It's been 24 hours, 24 god damn hours without food and I'm on the verge of going dark.

The only sounds filling the air was my clicking noises and my tummy growling out for food. Any minute now, I wouldn't be surprised if my stomach ripped out of my skin, grew legs and arms and started hunting for its own food.

Starving suddenly felt like an understatement. I couldn't keep living like this and I keep telling myself that. But do I listen to myself? Psh, no. But I need to. I need to make the smart decision and look for new land to hunt.

I need to make a smart decision for once.

I keep almost doing it, but I chicken out at the last minute. Who knows what could be out there? Vampires? Ghosts? Goblins? ... Werewolves? I wouldn't stand 5 minutes against them. I can't even stand 5 minutes doing nothing with myself.

But no, today is the day I finally make a smart decision. Today is the day I finally move from this deserted, busted up, cave and finally try and do something.

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