About Werewolves and Witches *IMPORTANT*

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ALRIGHT, So here is where I talk about how werewolves and witches are in this book. Most of this will also be covered during the story, but you'd get the best and most information out of this chapter. I'll start with the werewolves because there's less to talk about.


All werewolves in this book can shift from human to wolf and vice-versa, basically everyone can shift and it's not like some of those werewolf books were only some can shift and some can't.


Mates are obviously in this book and I'm keeping the rules pretty simple and cliche. You'd first find out your mate because you could smell them, they'd probably be close by and you'd just get a whiff of them. Everyone has a different scent to their mates. Other cliche things with mates that are in this book are: feeling sparks when you touch, your mate's saliva can speed up your healing process, and your mate's scent can calm you down.

Mating Bond Process:

So, the mating process has two steps:

1: Marking (biting) your mate in-between their neck and shoulder. Later, a crescent moon mark will appear (kinda looks like a tattoo)

2: Intercourse to complete the bond.

Moon Goddess:

So in this book, the Moon Goddess is who the werewolves believe in (or supposed to believe in). Like in the real world, not everyone believes in the man upstairs, so, lovelies, please don't get triggered, it's a made up religion.

Witches: (Get some snacks 'cause this is gonna be long)

Witches and wizards are a little bit more complicated. I also made up a word "Wikish". It often refers to both wizards and witches combined like if I were to use it in a sentence it'd be like, "The Wikish are the most powerful supernatural creature." Don't sweat too much if you don't pick up what I'm putting down, it will get explained a little bit better throughout the book.

Witches and wizards are also human so they heal like humans and has the same bodily functions as humans.


I create all the spells in this book, I get most of the words from Latin and Italian and kinda add my own little "fling" to it. For example, the spell to manipulate earth is "terrus". The word for "earth" in Latin is "terra" so I kind of just added my own little jazz to it.

Sometimes for spells, it will be a sentence like in chapter 1 (which you'll see) when Fia makes this huge gust of wind happen she says, "Ventus, Telecine." Which "ventus" is the spell to manipulate the air and "telecine" is basically the spell for telekinesis.

Magic Use:

So in the witchery world, there's two types of power: self-power, and magic power. To be a strong witch or wizard, you would need a lot of self-power and magic power combined.

Self-power is how you can control your magic. It's the strength that you have as an individual. You need to have a lot of strength if you have really strong magic, and you need very little strength if you have weak magic. You are born with your self-power but it's very hard to become stronger if needed to.

Magic power is something that runs in your family, you can't weaken it or strengthen it no matter how hard you try.

Your magic power can be really dangerous if you have weak self-power and strong magic-power. It's almost as if your magic controls you (which is never good, by the way). Those types of people are often seen as weak even though they have a strong magic power.

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