Party Of The Living Dead

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I want to walk up to her and hug her, and to tell her everything will be fine, but... I cant, she would be even more mad. I just need to keep a close eye on her.

Your POV

I havent looked up in a while but I can tell we are in some sort of alletway, in between to almost completely broken down buildings. Jorge stops and looks at us.
"Alright hermanos, were here. Act normal and try not to make eye contact with other people." Jorge says before turning back around and walking closer out of the alleyway. I furrow my brows to myself.
Other people?
We continue walking and make it out of the alleyway. My eyes widen at the sight. There are people everywhere, some walking and some sitting down begging for food or money. There are even children. I stop in my tracks at the sight of a little boy who is hovering over a lady who is lying down on the ground, probably dead. Hes so skinny you can see his bones. I walk over to the little boy. I can hear the others but Their voices are muffled. All I can focus on is this kid.
I kneel down next to him and rummage through my back pack. I pull out a MRE that Jorge had packed and give it to the boy. He looks up at me and I crack a smile before getting up and leaving. Everyone from my grouo is looking at me. I ignore them and gesture for Jorge to keep walking. He finally stops in front of some building with the words Zone A written in the side. I can hear music blasting out of the building.
"Okay Hermanos I think I know where Marcus is, I want you guys to go into these seperate buildings and look for Thomas and Brenda, if their not in any of these than they havent got here yet." Jorge finishes.
"Why is there music blasting?" I ask. Everyone looks at me with a surprised expression on their faces.
"Because, people come here to live out their final days before becoming a crank to party and get drunk." Jorge says.
"Its pretty much the oarty of the living dead, hermana" Jorge answers. I nod, I begin to feel uneasy at the thought of going in there.
"Split up into groups and meet in that building right there in 20 minutes, got it?" Jorge says as he points to a building behind us.
No one says anything we just all nod. Jorge walks past us and to the building he just pointed at.
"Alrighty, time to get into groups." Minho says.
"Teresa and Aris, you will go that way and look for Brenda and Thomas." Minho says pointing behind all of us.
"Fry and I will go that way" Minho says pointing in front of us where there is a long walkway surronded by a bunch of buildings.
"And last but not least, Newt and (Y/n) you get to go and party with the living dead." Minho says with a smile. We all nod and go our seperate ways. Newt and I walk over to the buolding where everyone is partying, the music getting louder and louder every step we take. We make it to the entrance where fabric is covering the doorway.
"You ready?" Newt asks. I look up at him and nod. We move the fabric out of our way and walk into the club. Im instantly being pushed by half crank who is stumbling around the club.
"Okay how about we seperate for like five minutes so we can cover more ground?" I ask looking at him dead in the eyes.
"No, im not leaving you alone in here, are you crazy?" Newt asks looking at me. I sigh before I answer.
"I promise I will be careful, how about we meet here in 5 minutes and we will continue to look around together?" I ask. He hesitates before nodding. I smile at him and he returns it.
"Be safe okay?" Newt says.
"You to." I say. We both turn and go our seperate directions. I begin to walk deeper into the club. I say 'excuse me' as I begin to walk in between a crowd of people trying to get to the other side. I finally make it when I see a horrifying sight.
A crank is chained in the center of a crowd of people trying to attack them. A guys is waving a gun around before aiming it staright at the cranks head and pulling the trigger. I jump at the sound.
I need to find Newt, its not safe here.
I walk away from the horrific sight. I begin to push through the crowd of people, not even bothering to say excuse me.
Where is he?
I begin going on my tippytoes to see Newt. I finally see sandy blonde hair emerge from the crowd of people, hes waiting for me back at the entrance. I begin to walk faster but I am stopped by someone grabbing my arm. I turn a see a tall man standing over me holding onto my arm tight. I begin to panjc at his touch but I try not to draw attention to myself.
"Hey sweetie" the man says. I give him a pursed smile.
"Where are you off to?" He asks.
Should I answer him?
"Im just looking for my friend, hes probably waiting for me so I gotta go." I say. I try to pull my arm away from the man but he wont budge. He slides his hands down to my hand and pulls me close to him. Our bodies now inches apart. I feel tears begin to form in my eyes.
Whats he gonna do to me? I cant go through this again.
I shake the thoughts and tears away.
"You smell so good sweet heart." Says the man as he begins to smell my hair, I cringe at the sound.
"Sir I really need to go" I say, I begin pushing myself off the man but that just makes him tighten his grip on my hand, I wince at the pain.
"Why dong you give me a kiss honey" says the man. He pushes my head up to face him. He slowly leans in and purses his lips out to mine. I go back as far as I can but he keeps pushing me closer. He gets milimeters close to my lips before someone inturrupts him.
"Hey!" I hear a thick british accent say.
"Get the Shuck off of her!" I hear the man say.
Thabk god its Newt.
I can feel the man the is holding onto me be pushed back.
"Who are you?" Says the man holding onto me. He tightens his grip on me.
"Let.Her.Go" says Newt very sterny.
"You know I think i'll keep her, take her to my room have a fun night if you know what I mean" he says winking at me. I look over to Newt and I see anger and jealousy flood his eyes.
Why would he be jealous?
Before I can say anything to the man he lets me go as he groans in pain. I back away from the man and go next to Newt who has his fish balled. The man is holding his nose that when I realized Newt had punched him. I smile at the thought.
"You okay, Love?" Asks Newt as he looks at me.
"Yeah, can we just go?" I ask. He nods and wraps his arm around me, lightly touching my shoulder. We continue to walk through the crowd.
"Waut, is that Thomas?" I hear Newt say.
"Where?" I ask. Newt points ahead of me, I go on my tippytoes and iver the crowd I see someone with black hair wondering around. For a split second I saw his face and it was,Thomas.
"Yes! It is, lets go!" I say to Newt. I grab his hand and drag him behind me. Right before we reached Thomas my arm is tugged back causing me to stop. I turn around and see a women holding Newts arm while she plays with his hair with he other hand. I begin to get angry and.... Jealous?
What his happening to me!?
I walk over to them.
"I-I got to go ma'am..." Says Newt innocently.
"Oh no sweetheart, your not going anywhere." Says the lady as if im invisible.
"You aint got a girlfriend right?" Asks the lady. Newt kinda glances at me for some kind of help.
Think. Think.
"Yes, he does have a girlfriend actually." I speak up. Newt and the lady turn their heads towards me. I walk closer to Newt and put his arm around my waist and I lay my hand gently on his chest.
"I dont believe it for one second, friends do that." She says immediately.
"Im not letting your little friend go until I believe it." Says the lady
Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard...
I pause for a second before I turn Newt head towards me. I grab his cheeks with both of my hands.
"Trust me." I whisper so only Newt could hear it. I lean closer and closer towards Newt, our lips only milimeters apart. I pulled Newt close to me until we locked lips. Our lips moved in synce to a perfect harmony. His lips were so soft, and the kiss was soft but passionate. I pull away and immediatly look back at the lady. My cheeks are burning red and I can tell Newts cheeks are to.
"Can we go now?" I ask. She releases Newt.
"Fine, but youll be back pretty boy, they always come back." Says the lady. I grab Newt by the arm and drag him away from the lady.
"Are you okay?" I ask Newt. I turn around and meet his gaze.
"Yeah, im fine" says Newt. I give him a smile and he returns it. I turn back around and continue walking.
I just kissed Newt, but it was so we could get out of here. That was all it was.... Right?
I shake my thoughts out and walk faster, still holding onto Newts arm. I look in the crowd and see Thomas.
"Thomas!" I yell as I run up to him. He looks at me and I can tell hes not okay.
"Are you okay?" I ask him. I go closer to Thomas and I can tell that hes drunk. Before I could even say something to Thomas he grabs my face and pulls me close to his until our lips lock. Its a short kiss and I didnt like it at all, Thomas' lips were different comoared to Newts. There was no passion, no nothing, but with Newt I felt something, I felt the same thing I feel whenever he talks but this time so much stronger.
Fuck! Whats happening!?
I push us apart and look at Thomas with furrowed brows.
"What the shuck are you doing?" I ask Thomas. I turn to Newt and see him eyeing down Thomas, he has anger in his eyes but mostly jealously.
"Your not her..." I hear Thomas mutter, I turn around and see Thomas looking at me. Before I can say anything Thomas falls to the ground.
Okay so first off if you got a notification yesterday that I published this im so so sorry because I accidentally published it so I had to unpublish it right away, thats my mistake. Anyways hope you guys had great christmas like yours truly and I will be posting the next chapter soon so byeeeeeeeeeee.

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Newt x Reader - The HeartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant