Co-Parenting | 5

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Los Angeles , California

Destiny 🥀-As I was washing dishes , I hear my phone and I look over to see Karri calling me

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Destiny 🥀
As I was washing dishes , I hear my phone and I look over to see Karri calling me .

"Hello ." I answer and immediately here Noah crying .. hard at that .

"Mommy i don't wanna be here anymore ." He cries .

"Noah what's wrong baby ?" I ask him Turning off the sink faucet and running upstairs to put on some sweats and a t-shirt .

"Daddy said he wishes he never had me ." He cries and I put my hair in a bun .

"I didn't do anything mommy I swear ." Noah adds .

"Baby I'm on my way stay in your room until I get there ." I tell him .

"Okay mommy I love you ." He says .

"I love you too Noah ." I say before hanging up and I grab my keys and head downstairs and out the door to my car . Kyle can say whatever about me but he should know that he should never say shit about my child , especially that he wished that he never had Noah . Kyle has me completely fucked up .
As I pull up to Kyle's house , I park my car in his driveway and immediately walk inside without knocking .

"Kyle where the fuck you at ?" I ask walking inside .

"Mommy !" Noah says running to me .

"Go upstairs real quick ." I tell him and he kisses my cheek and runs back upstairs to his room .

As I walk in the living room , I see Kyle with his head hanging low and Katya rubbing his back .

"Who in the fuck do you think you are to say something like that around my son ?" I ask Kyle .

"Who let you in ?" Katya asks me .

"Why the fuck You talking ?" I ask her .

"Excuse me your in my man house ." She says .

"Girl bye ." I tell her .

"Anyway who the fuck do you think you are Alexander ?"I ask him .

"Destiny not right now ." He says .

"No because you need to understand that whatever issues we got going on you should never ever say something like that about Noah ! I don't give a damn about what you got to say about me but you should never say nothing about your own got damn child . Are you fucking sick ? He did not ask to be here , it was our discussion to create him and for you to say you wish you never had him is fucked up ! Period ." I tell him .

"Destiny it just came out ." He says .

"I don't care you still shouldn't say shit like that . That little boy loves you to death and I don't know if Katya is making you act this way or what but you goin have to get rid of the anchor that's got you acting like this because you have never ever been disrespectful like this ." I say .

"Why are you so jealous of our relationship destiny ? I get your upset I took him but — Hoe I wasn't speaking to you let's get that clear stay in your mother fucking place before I have to put you in it and you ain't take away shit I gave his ass to you remember that ." I tell her .

"I ain't never been disrespectful because we ain't never been through this type of shit before . You the disrespectful one if anything , it's not okay for you to disrespect me or Katya infront of my son but you do ." Kyle says and I laugh .

"Oh so now he's your son but not to long ago you wish you never had him . Well , let me tell you something kyle Alexander , you have a lot of nerves if you believe I'm gonna allow you to sit here and continue to lie to my son . He doesn't deserve or need your ass in his life period . If you can't act like a man and get rid of this toxic ass bitch then don't worry about seeing Noah at all because you are not gonna continue to hurt and lie to him I'm done with that shit . He doesn't deserve that type of shit ." I tell Kyle .

"NOAH ! Let's go baby !" I call for him and he comes downstairs with his things .

"Go tell grandma bye ." I tell him and he goes in the kitchen and Says goodbye to Karri . I refuse to let him to hurt my child it will no longer happen ..

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Zoe💛 |

Co-parenting • K.KuzmaWhere stories live. Discover now