Co-parenting | 1

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Los Angeles, California

Destiny Karsyn Beckham 🥀-"Noah baby get up , daddy will be on his way

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Destiny Karsyn Beckham 🥀
"Noah baby get up , daddy will be on his way ." I say waking up my five year old and he sits up and wraps his arms around my neck before getting out of his race car bed and walking into his bathroom to brush his teeth . Who would've thought I Destiny Karsyn Beckham held that beautiful little boy in me for 9 months . Noah is a blessing and I wouldn't trade him for anything on this world ! Noah was created my freshmen year at Utah , I was there on a full ride scholarship for volleyball until I met kyle Alexander kuzma . He was known around campus for his amazing basketball skills and semi-good looks , everyone told me he was a hoe but I was sure that he was gonna change and he did . I completed one season of volleyball as a freshmen until I got pregnant with Noah and soon quit wants I found out I was with child . I told my family and they were behind me a thousand percent and always made sure I knew they were with me on this hard journey I myself would have to go through . Once I told Kyle , he was shocked but excited and helped me and loved through our whole pregnancy . Kyle and I were together for 4 years and a couple months until we broke up but even though we're not together we make sure that Noah is the main priority .. ALWAYS !

"Mommy I wanna wear these ." He says bringing me the black yeezy's his father just bought him .

"Okay my handsome ." I smile before walking into his closet and picking out an outfit for him .

As Noah gets dress , I pack up his backpack before we both walk downstairs and into the kitchen .

"What do you wanna eat Noahbear ?" I ask him .

"I want captain crunch ." He tells me and I nod before fixing him a bowl of his favorite cereal and doing the same for me before walking into the living room where Noah was .

As Noah and I were watching Sponge bob , I get a text from jordyn Adams , centerfielder for the Los Angeles Angels .

iMessage from ; Jordyn Adams 👀
Breakfast date ? Meet me at Square one dining in about 20 minutes ?

As I read that I look at the time to see it's almost 10 , breakfast couldn't hurt .

iMessage to ; Jordyn Adams 👀
See you in 20 !

As I send that , I smile to myself before standing up and setting my bowl on the counter .

"Noah I'm about to get in the shower , how about you watch spongebob in my room until your dad gets here ." I tell him .

"Okay mommy ." He says and I take his bowl and we walk upstairs to my room so I can start getting ready .
As I get out of the shower , I dry my body off before putting on my red silk robe and opening the bathroom door to check on Noah and I see him playing on his tablet , So I put my hair in a bun and start doing my eyebrows .

In the middle of me trying to do my hair the door bell rings signaling Kyle was here .

"Mommy I think daddy is here ." Noah says getting out of my bed and putting back on his shoes .

"I believe he is baby boy , go get your backpack while I go open the door for your father ." I tell him sliding on my black fur slides and walking downstairs to open the door for Kyle .

"He ready ?" Kyle asks me as I open the door .

"Yeah he's just getting his backpack ." I tell him as he comes in and I close the door behind him .

"Noah hurry up babe !" I call out to him .

"You need to stop answering the door like that ." He says .

"Last time I checked I pay my own bills and I'm 23 years old get out my face ." I tell him and he laughs before licking his lips and looking over my figure .

"Yo' booty getting fat ." He smirks at me and I laugh .

"How's Katya ?" I smirk at him and he laughs .

"You petty for that one ." He tells me .

"How ? I'm just asking how she's doing ? After all you did cheat on me with her so I think I deserve to ask some questions about the women who ruined our relationship ." I smile at him .

"Here we go , please let's not have another one of those conversations ." He says .

"I'm just saying kyle , and another thing I am going to say is — I know , I know you don't want her around Noah ." He says cutting me off .

"Look at you Listening to me ." I smile .

"Yeah whatever Destiny , Same rules go for you but obviously you don't listen to me huh ?" He asks me .

"What are you talking about?" I ask him with a signature eye roll . Our conversations can never be strictly about him , he too busy worrying about what I'm doing and who I'm with .

"Who's jordyn ?" He asks me .

"A friend of mine , why ?" I ask .

"I don't want him around my son destiny ." He says .

"It was just one time that he was around Noah and that was only because you acted as if Katya was more important then you and Noah's daddy and Son day . I had made plans to go on a dinner date with jordyn and when I was going to cancel he insisted on having Noah come and I of course asked Noah if he was okay with it and he was so we went out with jordyn . Don't be upset at me because you worry about that bitch more then your child ."  I tell him .

"You heard what the fuck I said destiny ." He says .

"And you heard what I said Kyle Alexander . I wouldn't bring jordyn around Noah if jordyn was a bad person . Jordyn is a good guy and as long as Noah is okay with hanging out with jordyn and I he will , So this is the end of that topic ." I tell Kyle deading the argument . He got me fucked up ..

"Mommy can I bring my super man ?" Noah asks walking downstairs with the Superman stuffed toy I got him .

"Of course baby , now give mommy a hug . Be good for daddy okay ." I say hugging and kissing him .

"I will Mommy ." He says as I open the door for the two of them .

"you ready baby boy ?" Kyle asks taking Noah's backpack and carrying it before picking him up .

"Yes sir is grandma at the house ?" Noah asks Kyle . He loves his grandma Karri to death .

"Yes She is ." Kyle smiles.

"Yes !" Noah says in excitement and I smile at the two one more time before kissing Noah's head and they leave . Even though he's gonna be gone for two days ima miss my baby ...

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