Countdown to Catastrophe part two

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"What do you need brother?"I said.

"I have a question to ask you. Two questions"he said as he look through the paper. "Which is?"I said as I walk next to him. "One, do you know what Hiro is working on?"he said. "Yes he is working on some kind of amplifier"I said.

"That sound nice. The second question, how would you like your little marshmallow to be with you?"he said as he look at me. Is he talking about Baymax? "Are you talking about? Him?"I said and he nod. "Yes"he said.

"I would love him to be here but why you ask that question, bro?"I said as we walk to a hallways. "You will find out soon and you will get your wishes"he said as he lead me to my room. "Okay?"I said as I enter my room.

"Oh and rise early tomorrow. We have a lot of work tomorrow"he said before he close the door. I sigh as I hug my baymax plush. This day been so confused. I think I need some sleep/ I close my eyes and think about Hiro.
I wake up and escape the lair.

I decide to go visit Hiro and see if he is okay. I went to the back of the garage and found Baymax. My brother question linger in my mind. "Hiro, it is time to go"Baymax said. "Baymax? Is it morning already?"Hiro said.

"Yes. The press conference will begin in 20 minutes"Baymax said as I ran toward Hiro. "Did you get any sleep? Please tell me you did"I said as I check on him. "I can't stop now. I'm in the zone"Hiro said as he push me away. "Fred and go-go require backup"Baymax said.

"I know but I'm so close to finishing it. I had a breakthrough and I just need a little bit more time to"he said then turn around. "Baymax, Alison. Can you two do a huge favor and head over Krei tech first? Also Alison, can you go with him?"Hiro said.

"Without you?"Baymax said. "Yeah without me. I'm just so close to this. Don't worry, I'll catch up"Hiro said then turn back to his work. "I will go"he said,walking then turn around. "Without you"he said as I hold his hand. "Goodbye"he said, turning around again then walk away.

I look back at Hiro then sigh. "What's worng Alison?"he said. "Oh nothing. Come on, let help you suit up"I said as I smile. "You are hurting in the inside. Can you tell me what is going on?"he said as I sniff. "It doesn't matter. Let just go"I said.
I arrive at Keri's tech.

Obake ask me to go there for some reason. I pop my gum and Globby arrive. "Wow. You arrive early"He said. "Whatever. Ready to attack?"I said and he nod. He flew in and punch Keri out of the way. "I be taking this"he said as he took the briefcase.

I stood and then look at the camera. "I suggest you run or else this will get messy"I said and some people were screaming. We look back and saw part of big hero six. "Hey, you look familiar. Like someone we know"Fred said but I used my paint to shut him off.

"Howdy and hello, burger buddy! We are here to toast your bun!"Noodle burger boy said. "You brought him too?"I said as Globby shrug. "He said he wanted to come"he said as I sigh. "On no"Go-go said as she look at him. 

"Buns. I get it"Baymax said as I giggle. "You are so cute Baymax"I said as I brought out my dagger. I threw it at them and they separate. "This will be a masterpieces!"I said as my dagger came back to me.

I went toward Fred but he doge me. He threw fireball at Globby who doge it. "Minimax! Now!"Fred yelled and mini max appear. Globby look scare then open his stomach. Mini max hit the wall as I look away. 

I flew toward him and help him out. "Thank you but aren't you a villian"he said as he did his cute pose. I took off my helmet and he gasp. "Alison?"he said. "I am sorry but I have to do this. Please don't tell them"I said then place my helmet back on.

I flew off and saw Globby into goop. He turn back to himself and we look at Fred. "Let me show you how I see it going"Globby said then took Mr.Keri, throwing him to Fred. "Go on my back"he said as he hand me the case.

I went on his back as he laugh. He slowly turn into a T-Rex. "This is awesome!"I said. "He can turn into a dinosaur?!"Mr.Keri said as I laugh. "Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't done it before. Well look at those tiny useless arms"Fred said, pointing at Globby's arm.

"Oh you think?"he said then made his arm go toward Fred, throwing him to the wall. I look and saw some camera crew. I shot the a part of the building as it fall toward them. I laugh then saw Baymax saving them. 

"Noodle boy! Now!"I yelled and he pick Baymax off. He used the extra arm to pick me up and I sat next to him. He threw Baymax at the wall as he went near the floor. We glare at him as we laugh. "Alison"he said.

"Alison?"Fred said as they all look at me. I took off my helmet and shook my head. "Hi? This must be weird"I said as they all stare at me. "I knew we shouldn't trust her! She was on their side!"Go-go said as I put my head down.

"Alison? So you are Phoenix? Why?"Fred said. "Why? You guys ignore me. You guys left me alone and Hiro was looking at other girl name KARMI!"I yelled as I rose. I made some rock float and I thew it at them. 

I scream as I made a whip appear. I used it to grab some more rock and threw it at them. "Way a go Alison!"Globby said as he went to attack Fred. Noodle boy went toward Baymax who try to escape "Baymax, You have to fight back!"Go-go said.

I use my whip to grab her and threw her to my life. "Who next?"I said as I grin. "Say rocket fist!"Fred yelled as Globby took him down. "Noodle boy! Do it!"I yelled as he shot laser at him. "Baymax, rocket fist!"I heard Go-go yelled.

I threw my helmet at her and chuckle. "Alison! Please stop this"she said as she put her fist up. "Why should I? I thought you didn't trust me"I said then someone wack me with a purse. I fell down then look up. "Sorry! Alison?"Honey lemon said.

I growl then attack her. She scream then froze me. It is so cold. I saw honey lemon helping Go-go up. No. I need to do something else. They both look at me as the ice melt away. "Miss me?"I said as I made a fireball appear.

They ran off as I threw some fireball at them. I skated toward them then I heard someone calling my name. "Alison?"Wasabi said. "Yes?"I said as I turn around. "No! She is a villain!"Fred yelled. "I am not...I actually lied"I said then threw the fireball at him.

"Wow, Alison! You are getting good at this!"Globby said as I smile. "Thanks now let get this over with"I said as he turn into something. He grab them with his claw and threw them with the girls. They look at us as I laugh.

"Order up loser!"Noodle boy said as his eyes light up. Then something hit him, making him fall into globby. "Oh no"he said as he blew up. I went to find cover and made a shelid appear. "Golly mister. That was not swell"Noodle burger boy said.

I walk toward them and glare at them. "Well that's our cue"Globby said as they left. "Alison? Are you with them?"he said and I nod slowly. "I'm sorry but I am now with them. I should go"I said as I look away. I look back at him then walk toward him.

I kiss his cheek then walk back. "Goodbye hiro. I see you again in the battlefield"I said then flew up a little. "Alison, please don't go!"he said as he hold my hand. I kiss him on the lips then push him away. "Don't. I might hurt you again"I said then flew away.
Momakase open the briefcase with her blades.

"Obake will not like this"Momakase said it as I took the paper out and rip it to shred. "Actually I'm thrilled. Everything went exactly as planned"Obake said then he ruffed my hair. "I don't get it"Globby said as he shrug.

"Well of course you don't. Craze pack of simpletons couldn't finish the job"he said then look at me. "But you? You did well, my sister. I never thought you had that in you"he said as he smile. I smile back as he turn around.

"But I needed the services of someone truly gifted"he said.

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