Fred Bro-trillion part three

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We toward a old subway station.

I hold on Purple as we check the station. "Salutation nosy interlopers. You have made the grievous error of transgression of the layer Baron von steamer!"he said as we walk around. Two wall came close to us then Red push them back.

"Thanks Baymax. Booby trapped. Old booby trapped but still booby trapped"Purple said as he touch one. "This guy really got to stop living in the past"I said as Red turn on some light. I used my phone for flashlight and to film.

"I will search for some more booby trap"Red said as I look around. "That will be nice"I said. "Whoa hold on. I am picking up heat signature. Could be a furnace?"he said as he look at us and I shrug. "Do furnace typically move?"Red said.

"Not typically"Purple said as he look back. "It is moving...toward us...rapidly"Red said. "It another booby trap!"Purple said as I walk back. "Oh no"Red said. The smoke clear them we saw a train "I suggest we leave"Red said as Purple help me up quickly.

We were about to leave until a series of door started to close on us. "That was very unfortunate"Red said. "Is this the end of Purple and lady unstoppable?!"I said as I film it. "Baymax! Power lift!"He said as he point to the air.

Red took the rail then point it up. Then purple hug me while Red hug us both. Please let me live! I promise I will do anything! I open my eyes as "You are safe now"Red said. Purple look down at me then let go of me. I cough as I close my eyes again.

"Thanks Baymax"he said as I move my hand to make the dust go away. "Wait? Your friend...sound just like my friend robot. His name is Hiro and his robot is almost name Baymax. You know him?"I said. "Oh yeah handsome young fellow"Purple said which made me giggle.

We both have the same thought. "Baron von steamer is not here"Red said as purple check the train. "Then that mean this was a trap"I said. "We need to get to the old ironwork fast"Purple said as we went on Red and on full speed
We got there as quickly as we could.

"There!"I said as I saw a opening. We went inside then found them quickly. I saw Wasabi sliding across the floor. Baymax flew down and grab Wasabi by the leg. "Gotcha"Purple said. "Hi Wasabi"I said, smiling. "How many of you are there?"Steamer said.

"Baymax, am I glad to see you"Wasabi said. "Rude"I said. "Sorry Alison. How are you?"he said as I smile. "Scanning you are unharmed but you are damp"Baymax said. "Yeah well it is hot in here and um maybe peed myself a little"Wasabi said as I cover my mouth from laughing.

"That it"Yellow said then she threw her speed disk. It didn't do any harm but then it made her trip which made pink's ball fall on them. "I got to help them"I said as I got off. "Alison!"Purple yelled as I took out my dagger.

I try to hit the blue thing that was covering them. But nothing. I used my magic and then it broke a little. "Alison. You need to go and save Fred"Pink said. "Nah I need to help you guys first"I said then I heard something behind me. He try to stab me with his robot spider leg.

I doge it then it caught my sweater. "And you brought a little human for me? Let see if boss awesome will come if I burn her alive!"Steamer said as he put me near the lava. "Purple! Fred!"I yelled at the top of my lung.

"That it! If you want Fredrick the 4th, then here I am in a lizard costume"said the blue lizard. Wait? He is Fred? Oh maybe he is joking around? I don't know! I am too scare about being burn alive by Lava!

"Wait y'all Fredrick? Ah yes I see the resemblance. You foul, how dare you try to impersonate a Fredrick!"Steamer said,pointing at Wasabi. "Please let me go!"I said. "At last I will exact my revenge by defeating my archenemies little baby child!"Steamer said.

"Yeah if you let me down. On the ground that is"I said. "Listen Steamer, today is my bro-tillion! I am NOT a baby child. I am a man child!"Blue lizard said. What? "I think you playing Fred is too realistic"I yelled as Steamer raise his hammer.

He doge them and it almost he look like he is dancing the waltz? Once Steamer put me away from the lava, I unhook myself from my sweater then I took out my dagger. I cut his leg off then he growl. "Stop it! You are destroying my leg!"Steamer said.

How strong is this dagger? I noticed that it had a light blue glow. Was it my magic? I put my hand up and froze his glass with my magic"Hey Lizard, wanna dance?"I said. "I thought you may never ask"he said as he extend his hand. I took it then we start dancing the waltz. 

When he spun me around, I used my dagger to cut his leg off while he blew fire to the leg beside him. "You crash the wrong party steamer"Blue lizard said as the robot fell down. Zero point for the villain and one point for hero. 

I smile and clap for him. "Thank you. I know I am the best"he said as he bow down. "Okay. Don't get it to your head"I said, shaking my had then I walk toward Purple. I need to make sure that they are okay. "Are you guys okay?"I said. 

"Alison! I thought I lost you!"he said as he hug me. I froze then hug him back. "It appear you have bested me,Fredrick but I will have my revenge! Villain define gravity!"Steamer yelled as he escape. "So what now?"I said

We all went back to the cafe.

Well I did. They drop me off and told me to wait here. I did then saw my friend, bring the bro-tillion to Lucky Cat Cafe. Hiro was worry about me and ask where I was but I told him I will tell him later. Everyone look so calm as I stand next to Hiro.

"Hiro! Have you seen all of these cratering job? I am booked selling! I am loving the new espresso machine"Cass said as we look at the new espresso machines. Hiro used Streamer's machines to fix it. 

"Hey Alison, why don't you go with our friend? I need to go check on something. Come on Baymax"he said as they left. I smile at myself then check my friends. "See this is nice"Honey said as Go-go pick up a little horse. 

"What it's name?"Go-go said. "Sienna"she said as she took the horse away from Go-go. "Hey girls. What going on here?"I said. "A special someone want me to give you this"Honey said as she hand me a letter. I open it and quickly scan it. 

All it say to go to the bathroom. I look at the girl which Honey giggle as Go-go smirk. Okay? "Oh honey! Your panda"I said as I gave her the plastic bag that have the panda. She cheer as I went upstairs then went to the bathroom.

I look around then gasp. Another note? "Turn around?"I said then saw it. My dress! It look like it came out from the store. I quickly put it on me then check the note. It say to go up to the roof. I went up and found nothing.

"Looking for me?"said a familiar voice. "Purple?"I whisper as I look behind me. But no. It was Hiro in his tux. "Hiro,what going on?"I said. "I promise you a dance, didn't I? Well to finish our dance that is if you want to"he said as I giggle.

"Yeah you did promise and it would be my honor"I said then I place my hand on his shoulder. We slowly dance as music appear. I look at Hiro then smile. "This is nice. Really nice"I said. "Yeah it is"he said as he push my hair back. 

I quickly kiss his cheek then put my head on his chest. "Thank you Hiro but you didn't have to do this"I said. "But I want to"he said as he warp his arm around my waist. We dance the night away and I felt so happy. He twirl me around then dip me. 

I put my hand on his cheek then kiss him. Those lips. It felt so familiar. We both pulled away then laugh. "Whoa I think we got caught up"I said as we both pull up. "Yeah we did. Can we forget about it?"He said which I smile softly. "Sure"I said then he kiss me quickly.

"Starch that"I said as he blush. "Is it okay for us to kiss?"he said as he look at me. "If you want too. I wouldn't mind it"I said as I put my right hand behind my neck. "I wouldn't mind it either. I like it"Hiro said. "Come on, we need to go downstairs before they find out"I said.

"Can we kiss one more time?"he ask and I giggle. "Of course"I said and we kiss. We broke it then smile at each other. "Now I really want to get out this stuffy dress"I said. "Alright, let me be a gentlemen and help you get down"he said as I laugh.

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