Muirahara Woods part one

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I follow the Big hero 6.

This reporter thing will never end I say. I follow the criminal then we surrounded him. "Hi, just a quick question? What do you think of Big Hero 6?"I said. "I hate them!"the criminal said as the police man took him to his car. "How about you policeman?"I said.

"I think you should stop doing this. Isn't this dangerous for a little girl?"he said as he put the criminal in the car,handcuff. "I am not little. I am a perfect height for a 15 year old"I said as I walk away. "Lady unstoppable here, telling you yo they are rude"I said as I turn off my phone.

Then I saw blue lizard get hit by the pole. "What happen here?"I said. "Let's not get too cocky"yellow said. "Though we are getting pretty good"Pink said then she quickly cover my eyes. I wonder why she did that?

 "Yeah we are and to celebrate I say to go to captain fancy dawn of fanciness tomorrow. Boom"said lizard. "I'm in"said Purple. "Yes"said pink as she out her hand up then she cover my eyes again. "Sound good"said blue green. 

"I will deflate so no one throw popcorn at my head this time"said Red. What? "Can't. Plans"yellow said as she speed off. "Okay then Alison our favorite reporter, do you want to go with us?"Blue lizard said. 

"But doesn't that mean I will see your secret identity?"I said as I grin. "Oh right"he said. "Wait, what with her?"Purple said. "Go-go gone gone"Blue green said. Did that made any sense?"Yeah she goes off on her own sometime"Pink said. 

"Really where does she go?"Purple said. "Nobody know. No one dare ask actually I ask once regretted it immediately. No one know, no one ask fr the second time"said the lizard as I touch Pink's hand. "Alright I am going to hit the hays. I have to go home"I said as I walk away

*Play intro song*

Fred splat a lot of Ketchup on his breakfast.

"Ew Fred come on man"Wasabi said as he lift his plate. "Sorry Wasabi but you are in a splash radius"Fred said as I took a sip of my drink. "So Alison? How do you like living here?"Honey said. "I love it! Cass is great with me! She taught me how to make some cookie"I said.

"Hiro, how about you?"Honey said. "Oh um yeah it is nice to have Alison around. So no one want to know where go-go goes"Hiro said as he look at Go-go empty seat. "Nope"Wasabi said. "It's really none of our business"Honey said.

"Oh come on, Fred. Don't tell me you're not dying to know"Hiro said. "Yeah well what are we gonna do? Follow her?"Fred said as he drank or ate the ketchup from the ketchup bottle. "Well we could"Hiro said then he look at me.

"Oh I see what you're doing"Fred said. "Guys no. Boundaries"Wasabi said. "Setting clear boundaries is one key to maintaining a healthy interpersonal relationship"Baymax said. "You guys are right. Totally right"Fred said.

"Yeah"Hiro said,looking down. Then I saw Fred looking at Hiro. "Okay good breakfast got to go"Fred said then Hiro grab my hand. "I have to go somewhere to with Alison"he said then we walk out of the cafe.
"Why did you drag me here?"I said.

"Because I want you here. I mean you are more fun and kinda strong to protect us. Also you told me that you never be in a limo before"Hiro said as I frown. He heard me? Well that news. I never thought he will pay attention to little detail like that. 

"See anything?"said Fred. "Nothing yet"Hiro said as I hug my knee. "Get me out of here"I said as I lay on my left side. "Okay then I've got time. Heathcliff, bubble me"Fred said as he went underwater in his own little pool. 

"Fred, we're supposed to be watching,not bubbling"Hiro said. I sigh and plug my earphones on. If I am going to do nothing then at least I can enjoy myself with music. The limo started to move and I grip on the baymax.

"Are you okay?"he said. "Yeah. It going kinda fast for me"I said then they stop. "I will say hello"Baymax said. "Baymax no, no!"Hiro yelled. When baymax lean in, it push me toward Hiro and I grip on his sweater.

"That was close. Um Alison are you okay?"he said. "Yeah. Are you okay if I hug you?"I said. And so I can get close to you. "Sure. You can hold my hand if you like"he said as he warp his right arm around me. I smile as I look at him. He would be perfect for someone beautiful.

Not for a girl like me. "This girl appear to be leaving city's property"said the butler. "Where is she going?"Hiro said as I try to look outside. "Apparently Muirahara wood? There is a sign right there. Come on I thought you were a genius"Fred said.

Then the limo stop. I look outside and gasp. It is so beautiful out here. "Why would she come here? Why would anyone come here?"Hiro said, looking at it like it is something horrible. "Because it is beautiful?"I said. 

I wish I had my sketch book right now. "Muirahara wood's national park is an ideal place to learn about nature firsthand. It is home to many plants and animals"Baymax said as he show some photo. "Well I am going out and stretch my leg"I said as I got out of the limo.

No more limo ride for me. I still can't believe it. We were so close! Calm down Alison. It was just an accident. Like the kiss on Fred bro-tillion and the one time where we sleep together. I blush as I went on my knee.

But then I remember what Fred mother told me. You should go after him before someone take him. But when and who will take him? I sigh as I push my hair back. This hurt my head. I fix my glasses and waited for them to come out.
We all follow Go-go

"Baymax"Hiro whisper then the bug came toward him. "Ew tiny bug"he said as I giggle. "Whoa so many of them! Oh! I think they're trying to tell us something"Fred said. At least one of us is happy. I roll my eyes then made the bug to go away.

"You're okay?"I said. "Fine once we get out of here"he said as I smile. "They swam in in order to fulfill their biological imperative to reproduce"Baymax said. "That was very unnecessary information baymax"Hiro said then fell down on mud.

"Whoops a daisy"Baymax said. "Ow"Hiro said as I help him up. "Oh the scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?"Baymax said. "No pain"he said as he spit some mud out. The he got shot by some water from Baymax.

"Hiro,hiro, hiro, this is the great outdoor! Look around and take it all in! Behold nature's majesty-"he said then step on something. "No thanks, I think I'm more of a city guy"Hiro said as I giggle. "I am more of both"I said.

"Yeah but you went to camp, right?"Fred said as I nod. I try to imagined Hiro as a little kid. He must be so cute! I make sure to ask Cass about those photo! "Fred, I never been out of San Fransokyo"Hiro said. "What?!"Fred and I said. 

"Never? Oh Hiro, you miss out my friend. Camp was the best, we learn how to make lanyards, you learn how to make fire out of dry grass and lanyards"Fred said as I slowly shook my head. "Come on. We need to find her"I said.

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