Streamer revenge part one

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I was in my room.

Today is the day where I become a spy for my brother. I walk downstairs then found Aunt Cass. "Morning Aunt Cass. Do you know where Hiro is?"I said. "He might be in the garage"She said as she was writing down the order.

"Thanks aunt Cass"I said as I walk out. I went to the back and found him, looking at a board. "HIRO, HAS YOUR HEARING BECOME IMPAIRED. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?"I heard Baymax said. I scream as I cover my ear.

Hiro went toward Baymax and lower his volume. "Sorry Baymax. I was just distracted. I know this is all connected. This painting. I bet globby stole it for Obake but why? Obake is planning something big. I've got to figure this out. Nothing's more important"Hiro said.

Sure he is. That is my brother to you. "And what about me? I'm hurt"I said, walking toward him then giggle when he look at me. "Of course you are. You are my number one"he said as he warp his arm around my hips then kiss my cheek. 

I giggle as I try to cover my laughter. "Hiro, nothing is more important then what I'm about to tell you"Fred said then he went really close to the camera. "Is that a conspiracy board? Nice"he said as I look back. Baymax was poking a red string. 

"Fred?"Hiro said. "Oh! Wasabi's birthday is in three day as you can see on my birthday's wall" Fred said as he show a board. "Wow, do you have one for everyone?"I said. "Yes but I won't show it to you"he said as I shook my head.

*play intro music*
"So what should we get Wasabi for his birthday?"Honey lemon said as she wrote big idea on a board.

"I say we get him a custom made handy dandy boy costume"Fred said as Mini-max got off his shoulder. "Dandy boy?"Go-go said as I pick up Mini-max. "Duh, captain fancies number two. He's like my second two favorite sidekick"Fred said as I sat next to him.

"Don't worry Mini-max, you'll always be my first favorite"Fred said as he look at mini-max who sat on my lap. "I was not worried"Mini-max said, proudly. "Sure you weren't"Fred said as I rub mini-max's head. 

"It is true. The defense of the principle of goodness consume my thought at all time"Mini-max said as he jump from my lap and climb on Fred. "Mm-hmm. Again sure you weren't"Fred said as I pick mini-max off of Fred head.

"Oh! I got it! What if we get Wasabi a puppy?"Honey lemon said, happily. "Wasabi is allergic to all species of dog"Baymax said. "Well at least you guys know what I would want for my birthday"I said as I chuckle. 

"Well I guess Pablo the puppy can stay with me and go-go. Right, Go-go?"Honey lemon said, ignoring my statement. "Oh boy you name it"Go-go said as she look glum. "Pablo!"Honey lemon said, cheerfully. "Pablo?"I question her.

"We should give Wasabi cash in a paper bag. He can do anything he want with it. No question ask"Go-go said as Honey pout. "Why aren't you writing it down?"Go-go said as I sigh. "This is harder then it look"I said. 

"Guys, you know how Wasabi car's still stuck in the bay. What if we got it out and fixed it up for him?"Hiro said as he show a photo. "That's also a great idea"Honey lemon said. "I'm in"Go-go said as she stood up. 

"I am in if you allow me to do the paint"I said. "Someone should distract Wasabi while you guys fix the car"Fred said as I stood up. "Good call Fred"Hiro said as we walk out. "So what are we going to do?"I said. "Follow me"Hiro said.

"If we're gonna fish Wasabi's car out of the bay, we're gonna need some new underwater gear"Hiro said. "Okay. I will take care of Baymax"I said. "Thanks, love. You are the best"he said as he kiss my cheek. I bit my lips and look away after he turn around.
"Suit warmer on"Hiro said.

He was making our suit all afternoon and it look wonderful. I am also thinking how did he know my size? "Suit warmer on"I said as he started to stretch. "Let's dive"he said then he dive inside the water. I cheer then jump inside the water.

I look at him and he hold my hand. Baymax cam in and I hold his hand since I don't know how to swim that well. We follow Hiro until an eel came toward us. Hiro look shock as it swam toward me. I put my hand out then it nuzzle my hand. 

It swam away as "Hello"Baymax said. "I think I got it"he said as he swam in front of us. Baymax hold my hand as he guide me. "Are you alright?"he said. "I'm fine Baymax, just don't leave my side okay?"I said and we stop.

A shark bump into the window. "At least it can't get us?"I squeak. The shark went under and swam toward us. "Why did I say that?!"I said as I swam behind Baymax's back. "Baymax, sonic blaster!"Hiro said as he swam behind him.

"This will not hurt you"Baymax said as he did the sonic blaster. The shark stop then it push him away. "Thanks Baymax"Hiro said as I pout. "You are welcome"Baymax said. "Are you sure that shark is okay?"I said. "He will be fine"Baymax said as I nod.

Hiro swam next to us. "We're clear Baymax"Hiro said as we swam up. I try to help Baymax or Hiro with the car. "So what shall we do now?"I said as we reach the shore. "We call Honey lemon and gogo's help"Hiro said.
"I can't wait to see Wasabi's face!"Honey said as I brought some spray can. 

I decide to color his car just like it was before. I am guessing that Wasabi would like it better like it was then me designing it. I don't know anything about spray painting before but I like to try new thing. "Here it is. You are welcome"Baymax said as I giggle. 

"I am sure that not what she mean baymax"I said. "I mean when he see his car"Honey said. "Good to go"Go-go said. "What are you doing?"Go-go said and Hiro show her his phone. "Is that a picture of your conspiracy wall?"she said. 

"Obake is playing us. I guess know it"Hiro said. Of course he is. He need to make sure you don't know his plan just yet. He want it to be a surprise for you guys. "Don't worry Hiro. We'll be ready"Honey said. 

"When it really matter"Go-go said as I found a mask and some goggle on the table. Perfect now I can start painting. "Everyone cover your mouth or wear your mask cause I am going to paint"I said as I put on a mask over my mouth. 

"Spray paint is dangerous"Baymax said as I sigh. "Okay so I guess everyone should get out so I can paint this car like brand new"I said as they walk away. "Thank you for doing this"He said. "You are welcome my love"I said as I put my goggles on.

We all sang Happy birthday to Wasabi.

"All right!"Fred cheer at the end. "It's my sock drawer and it's a cake!"Wasabi said. "Um how did you know Wasabi's sock drawer look like?"I whisper at Aunt Cass. "And don't worry. None of the frosting are touching"She said, ignoring my question.

"It's perfect. Except you got the plaid and the argyle mix up but still"Wasabi said, happily. "Wasabi just blow out your candle"Go-go said. "Birthday cake have significant increase in bacteria on the surface after candle extinguished"Baymax said.

"See? This guy get me"Wasabi said. Honey tap my shoulder and then I tap go-go's shoulder. We all look at each other and walk away. "Follow us"Hiro said as I hold his arm. "I am so happy to see how surprise he will be"I whisper. "Me too"Hiro whisper.

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