The big problem part three

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The next day, I was busy getting ready.

Since tonight is the SFIT gala, my aunt want me to be there to greet everyone. She told me it is important event for SFIT. I decide to wear a nice blue dress with my hairs on waves. I place a light blue flower on my hair to make it look nice.

I sigh and look at the mirror. "You look great Alison. There is nothing to be upset about. Right?"I said then I look at the jewelry box. I open it and took out my brother ring. I put it on then found a nice necklace to go with it. I stood up then open the drawer.

The small box that I haven't used for a week. I walk down and threw the box at the ground. My motorcycle appear and I put my helmet on. I went on it and rode toward the gala. I stop in front of my aunt and pull my helmet out. "Alison, really?"she said.

"What?"I said as the motorcycle turn back into a little box. I pick it up and place in my handbag. "Doesn't matter. What matter is that you are here. Now go have some fun"she said as I smile. I walk around then I saw someone familiar.

"Hiro?"I said as I walk toward him. "Alison? What are you doing here?"he said. "Um I am in SFIT and my aunt ask me to? What is really going on?"I said as I fold my arm. "We're just trying to cover our bases until Knox appear"Hiro said, looking somewhere else.

"We'll bring you a crab cakes"Go-go said, looking somewhere else. Bring crab cake for me? Um no thanks, I hate seafood. They all left me and went inside. They ignore me? I walk away and look up at the moon. 

"Why did they ignore me?"I said as I hug myself. I wish moon was here. "Please stars and the goddess of the night, allow me to see the path and find me a place where I could be happy"I whisper under the breath. 

A soft breeze appear and I felt something on my shoulder. Something really cold. "I am always here for you"said a voice. I open my eyes and saw Moon. "Omg you are back!"I said as I smile. "It is what you wish my lady"she said as I let a tear fall down. 

She gasp and wipe my tear away. "Don't cry. I am here now and what is important is that we are together again my lady"She said. "You are right. Let go have some fun"I said and took off my flats. "That is more like it!"she said as she went around me. 

She made my skirt short and my dagger appear on my leg. I smile as I ran off. She touch my hair and made it straight again with flower in my hair. I smile then grab on a tree branch. "Be careful my lady!"she said as she help me up. 

I climb and stop when I saw the moon up close. "Moon, do you think that I will find true happiness?"I said as I hug a tree branches near me. "I think you will"she said as she touch my shoulder. I heard a roar and I look behind me. 

"Duty call"I said as I sigh. "I will always be here. Just call me when you need someone to talk to"she said then she went through me. I gasp and felt some power in me. I have most of my power back! The monster ran and I jump toward it. 

"Yield Mr.Knox!"I said as I made some moon light appear and used it as a rope. I stop him then I heard some voice. I look up and smile. "Hi guys, cool suit. Nice weather we are having, right?"I said as I put my shoulder up. The other ran and look at me. 

"Nothing much. Just Mr.Knox and Alison riding the monster!"Wasabi said as I held tight on the rope. "Alison, get off of him! It is too dangerous!"he yelled. He want me to stand back? I frown and let the rope go. 

"Attack them. They are stopping you from going to that event"I whisper. He ran toward them as Hiro yelled"Hold them off". I walk back a little and felt myself getting more angry. I saw Mr. Knox going to wasabi. "This one is for Mini-max!"Fred yelled as he jump on the monster. 

The monster roar a I ran toward Hiro. "Let's clear out the tent"Go-go said a she and Honey went inside. "Let me help"I said. "No. You did enough for tonight"Hiro said. What? "But I want to help you"I said then he glare at me. 

"No, you will stay down. That an order!"he yelled and I put my hand on my forehead. My memory came back to me. My friend who I always listen, wanted to be a hero. She knew about my power. She ask me to start the fire in our village. 

I told her about the danger but she said "That was an order". I did what she did and it hurt her. and the rest of the village. My fake parent had to take me somewhere safe because of her. I remember how my parent were talking to my aunt. 

She said that she will protect me and watch me. My parent agree and my aunt was helping me control my magic power. I remember about Obake being my brother and how we were. Two peas in the pods.

Then I turn around and saw my fake parent blasted me with something. They erase most of my memory. I felt a fresh breeze and saw Baymax pushing the monster away. "Alison"said a voice. I look both way then ran off. Who said my name? Why am I remembering thing right now? 

"Alison!"Fred yelled as he pick me up. He pull me away from the tent. "Are you okay?"He said. " I remember. I saw how I started the fire and why they let my aunt to take care for me"I said then I saw my skymax. "What? How?"I said. 

"Wear it. I think you are superheroes material and worth to be in big hero six"he said as it show my suit. I used my magic to make it appear on me. I hug Fred and he gave the rope. "Now get that monster like it is a horse!"Fred said and we both caught it. 

He pull then I grab it. I skate around it as Honey froze it. We calm down as Hiro look back. "No worries everyone. We've got this situation under-"Hiro said then the monster broke free. We gasp as the crowd scream. The monster roar until it saw the blond lady.

"Oh no you don't"I said as I ran toward them. The monster roar at us as I made my fist into fireball. The monster stop and drop. I look up and saw Karmi, putting ton of sticker on the monster? I am not even going to ask.

Hiro ran toward them as I let the fireball disappear. "I thought you may could used some help"Karmi said as she put her hand back. "Um thanks"Hiro said as he gave her a thumb up. "See this is exactly the kind of thinking that's getting your project funded"The blond lady said.

My ring started to vibrate and I walk away. "Hello obake"I said. "Hello, I was wondering about the SFIT gala. How was it? Did you have fun?"he said. "It was kinda fine"I said as I shrug. "Are you that sure?"He said then point something behind me.

I turn around and saw Karmi talking to Hiro. "So? They are just talking to each other"I said. "I want you to listen closer"I said. I look back and start to listen to what they said. "I love you too Captain cutie"Karmi said. 

"I got to go"Hiro said as he walk away then bump into Baymax. He like her? No he is with me. Does he like her now? Why didn't he told me this? "Obake, I made up my mind, I am on your side"I said as I look at the ring. "That is more like it"he said as he smile. 

"But I will stay with them"I said. "What are you thinking in your pretty mind of your?"he said. "Let me spy on them. Then I tell you what I found out"I said and he grin. "I love it. We keep in touch"he said then he was gone. I walk at the group.

"Alison. Um I am sorry about screaming at you"Hiro said but I hug him. "It Okay. I'm glad you are safe"I said as he hug me back. "Me too"he said as I look a him. We hold our hand as we walk away. Soon hiro, you feel what I felt when you played with my heart.


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