Obake Yashiki part two

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I heard my phone ring and I look at it. 

"I have to go. See you later guys!"I said then ran off. I slam the door open and went behind the tree. It was noodle boy wanting me to meet him somewhere. I tap my bracelet and it made my suit appear.

"Did he made my suit tight or was it always like this?"I said then I tap my heels. I flew up and found Noodle boy with a crate on his head. "So need any help?"I said. "Sure do! Let go!"he said as we flew.

"Hey noodle burger boy and new villain! Put the crate down!"Fred said. Oh good, he doesn't know it's me behind this helmet. "Ha! Okay Mister!"He said then move away. I took the crate and place it down gently. "No more running"he said as I landed near him.

"Good news guys! Noodle burger boy is actually-"Fred said and Noodle boy shot laser at him. "I try to find him by air"I said as I flew up. "I am gonna burn your bun!"Noodle boy said as he look for him. 

"I forgot about the laser eyes"Fred said and I found him. "Hold on Freddie!"I heard someone yelled and I flew down, catching the purple ball. "Missed"I said as I look back. I threw it at the top crate which was about to fall on her.

I turn around and walk away. "Thanks Baymax"I heard her said. What? "You are welcome"he said then threw it to his left. "Let go!"I said as we ran off with the crate.  "I am right behind them"I heard someone yelled.

"Go-go"I whisper. "Way too many pickle!"Noodle boy said and threw up pickles. It made go-go slip and hurt herself. "I'm on it!"Wasabi said. "Oh no you don't!"I yelled then used my spray can. I made myself invisible and push him. 

That got to slow him down for a while. He fell down as I skated away. I walk down and waited for Hiro. I heard him come and I jump on Baymax. Piece of cake. "Okay baymax, we need to slow him down"Hiro said.

I heard something beeping and I pull his arm up a little. His arm shot up to the top crate, making all the crate fall down. Oops my bad. I flip and landed next to Noodle boy. I took out my spray can and made myself visible.

"Golly mister. That wasn't swell"Noodle boy said as we glare at them. "It time to reprogram you. You are coming-"he said then look up. "Come on! Let go before he noticed"I whisper then we ran off with the crate.
The next night, I was out doing something.

"So what are we doing again?"I said as I cross my arm. "Just you wait!"he said as he type something on the computer. He look at and nod. I snap my finger and the drones went behind us. "Forget laser eyes. We've bigger problems"Wasabi said.

"Guess we know what was in the crate"I heard Hiro said. "You guess right. Buddy guards"I said as I turn around. "Howdy and hello! Have you met my little dumplings?"He said as the buddy guards turn into dumplings.

"Little dumplings? Really?"Go-go said. "Just roll with it"I said as I smile. "Dumpling? Attack!"We yelled as they float toward them. "My princess, get my little dumpling"he said and I nod. I skated toward the crate and open it.

"Rise buddy guard and attack big hero six!"I yelled as they rose. They came in a single file, turning into dumplings and float toward Big hero six. "This is too easy"I said as Noodle boy clap his little hands.

"Golly little dumpling, I am really getting steamed"Noodle boy said as the broken robot pile up next to me. "Want me to attack?"I said. "No, let see how they like invisible style"he said as I fold my arm.

The dumpling made themself invisible and caught them one by one. Noodle boy laugh as I look around. Something isn't right. "I can get us out of here"Honey lemon said. I skated toward them and took the bag away from her. 

"Don't even think about it"I chuckle as she frown. "Please whoever you are, help us. Why are you doing this?"she said. "Why should I tell you? You won't understand anyway!"I yelled then I gasp. She remind me of my friend.

That was burn from the fire. I skate back a little then look away. It is all in the past. There is nothing to worry about. "Dumpling! Attack them at all cost!"I yelled as I point at Hiro and Baymax. They flew toward them and shot laser.

I took her bag with me and wipe my tears away.  "Huh, never thought I'd see Hiro wrestling a dumpling"Wasabi said and I look up. Hiro! I used my magic to slow it down. The gang look at me as I pull my arm back. "Don't hurt him"I whisper then it fell down.

"Hiro"I heard Baymax said. "Are you okay?"I whisper as I went on my knee. "I am fine but who are you?"he said then Baymax fell close to us. "Baymax!"we yelled then he look at us. Noodle boy laugh then I push Hiro down with my leg.

I am so sorry. "Golly mister, it look like your friend got hang fried. Time to go little dumplings, follow pappa and Phoenix and remember to follow the buddy system"he said as he jump out the window. I let Hiro go then hug him.

"Sorry, I got to go"I said then ran. I jump out of the window and flew away. "What now noodle boy?"I said. "Time for the next part of plan but that is a surprise"he said as the dumpling carry him to another place.

"But this is my school"I said. "But they have something that Obake want"he said and I shrug. "Fine. Let just get it over with"I said then we broke the glass with Noodle boy singing his song. "Just shut up!"I yelled at him. "Just go and check if no one seen us"he said then flew away.

I went outside and rub my forehead. "I think I might get a headache. Where is his off button?"I whisper as I close my eyes. "Stop right there!"Fred yelled. "Just go in Fred"I said. "Wait, how do you know?"Honey lemon said.

"Why shouldn't I? Also I want him to shut up with his song"I said and they went inside. I sigh as I walk in to. "Phoenix! Why didn't you stop them?"he said. "Oh! They snuck past me. I was using the bathroom since I had a huge lunch"I lied.

"You don't belong here noodle burger boy'Fred said as he shot fire. "Technically I don't belong here either but my parents gave this school a lot of money"Fred said which made me push him off the machines.

"Oops my bad"I said as I chuckle and he hit the wall. He scream as the other attack. "Interesting. Honey lemon, cover me"Go-go said then I kick her in the stomach. "I don't think she will"I said as I made my blades appear.

"Hey what's wrong? Guys! I need cover! Oh good wasabi, I need you to-"she said then she turn around. "Fred! Now it's not the time"she said as she skate back from nothing? What is going on? I snap my finger and the buddy went toward the machines.

"Okie dokie little dumplings. Let's take our order to go!"he said as he kick his little feet. We flew up and I look back down. I want to help them but I can't since I don't know what goign. Also where Hiro? I shook my head and follow Noodle boy.
We arrive to the lair.

"Order up mister!"Noodle boy said as they gently put it down. "Good, very good"he said as he walk toward it. He touch it softly and smile. "Yes, this do nicely"he whisper then glare at me. "Alison, how was it?"he said

"The mission? It was good"I lied as I took off my helmet. "Are you sure? I am still thinking you might still in love with Hiro"he said as I look up. How does he know? What am I going to tell him? "No mister! She burn their buns out there!"Noodle boy said as I look at him.

Did he just- "Alright. You are free for today"he said as he look back. We walk away then I look at him. "Why did you defended me?"I said. "That what friend do"he said as he put his hand out. I pick him up and hug him. Maybe he isn't that bad.

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