Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    The weekend passed nicely; Marley and I hung out and by the time I walk into school this Monday morning I have a huge grin on my face. In the course of just one typical, ordinary Friday, I had managed to become top student, co-president in student council and I made six new friends. Now that I go to my classes I guess I failed to realize in the previous weeks that I have classes with my new friends. Before lunch I head to my locker to put away my things. Sensing someone next to me I close my locker door slightly and jump seeing Seth so close by.

    "Shit Seth! You scared me!"

    "Ohhh, good girl swears?" Seth says smirking down at me.

    Standing straight I try to look daring as I stare back at him. "Who said I was a good girl, Sethy boy?"

    "Ah, feisty. I like it."

    "Yeah, I get that a lot. So... was there a reason you came here?"

    "Yeah... um so I've never actually done this before... and well... gosh this is harder than I thought it would be. Alright I'm just gonna say it. Will you marry me? I mean, I really like you and I know we’re still in high school, but I really, truly hope you will consider my offer and perhaps accept."

    At this comment I burst out laughing. Quickly though I straighten up and feign seriousness. Looking at my nails and chewing on my gum like some stereotypical stuck up girl I reply, "You too? God, what is this? Like offer number ten? I mean, I know I'm hot and all but seriously, I'm only in high school. People really need to stop asking. It’s getting a little annoying."

    "Feisty and sarcastic. Geez Al, what is this new side of yours I’m just now seeing today? It’s quite interesting. I'll have to remember this.”

    “Well we’ve known each other since what, friday? I wouldn’t assume you know everything about me just yet Seth.”

    “Anyway I just wanted to say I think friday went great. Well, everything except for the ankle injury. That we could've done without. And again, I'm sorry about that. Clara was way out of line."

    "It's fine Seth. What's done is done, right?"

    "Yeah, I guess, but still... it shouldn't have happened and I'm sorry. I feel horrible about the whole thing.” Seth says, and I can see by the look on his face, he really does mean it. “Here give me your phone. I'm going to put my number in so if we need to discuss anything for stu-co or if your feeling down and need someone's shoulder to cry on you'll have it."

    With that, Seth waves goodbye, smirking still I might add, and heads off to lunch. Getting my lunch from my locker and tucking my phone in my back pocket, I'm starting to close the locker door when, speak of the devil, Clara slams it for me.

    "What the hell was that?" she screeches.

    "What the hell was what?" I ask back, playing innocent.

    "Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't play stupid you little bi--"

    "Hey Aly! We're heading to lunch, c'mon!" Jane and Katie yell from down the hall.

    Turning to Clara I smile widely, "Sorry! Gotta go!" With that I attempt my fast escape, but fail massively with my crutches giving me a hard time to do so.

    With such nice sunny weather we three head outside and sit down at a picnic table with Marley, Andrew, and Oliver. Looking around I really appreciate living in New York. I feel like it’s the place where anything can happen and where anyone can be anything. There’s always things to discover and never a dull moment. As we sit in the courtyard filled with tables, it is enclosed by a silver, rustic gate, and if you couldn’t see through them, you might think you’re elsewhere. But, beyond the gates, the streets are packed and crowded with cars and taxis impatiently trying to move on and people hurrying their way to their next destination. Turning back to my friends, I smile and begin to eat as well as join into conversations that are currently going around. Nothing really strikes my attention though. That is until I hear a squeal about some “new guy” from all the girls.

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