Chapter 4

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Hey guys! If you're in summer, hope it's well! Meanwhile I am in accelerated geometry summer school. It sucks. Sorry I've not updated! Don't worry, I am alive! I was going to upload last night, but my power went out:( Fear not! Here it Chapter 4!

Chapter 4

Jake. Jake Henderson. I never thought I would come face to face with him any time soon. Now granite, we did live in the same city, I guess I have been hoping I would get lucky and not have to encounter him. Living in New York it’s hard to run into people with so many people all around you. Taking in my surroundings I don’t realize how close he is standing until he is none other than a foot away, smirking down at me. This is the one thing I don’t like about being short. Being short makes you feel completely dominated over, and frankly, I don’t really enjoy this much. I look up to see he hasn’t changed much. Blonde, shaggy hair, a strong, sharp jawline, broad shoulders, a body standing at 6’2”, and abs that are definitely noticeable under any shirt, no matter the thickness of material. Noticing I am probably staring I look back up to see Jake has noticed as well and my cheeks burn as his evil smirk grows bigger. Damn my ability to blush so easily. Especially at Jake. I can’t let him enter my mind after what he’s done to me. I just can’t. It would be humiliating and downright embarrassing. 

Quickly I think of a way to get out of this awful situation and trying to gain as much confidence as possible, I muster out what is hopefully somewhat intimidating and authoritative. “Get lost asshole, and leave me the hell alone.”

Jake almost seems surprised at my comment, “Ohh, someone’s a bit bold today, aren’t we? Where did this new side come from Amberlynn?”

“Who said it’s new Jake?” I say back sweetly hoping he buys my answer. “Now like I said, get lost. I have somewhere to be, and lucky for me, that place doesn’t involve you.” With that I turn around sharply, inconveniently forgetting about my ankle which causes me to wince slightly. Nevertheless, I continue forward, head held high. 

That is until Jake calls out again, “Hey Amberlynn! I almost forgot to tell you the great news! Did you hear? I’m transferring schools. My parents thought it would be better if I finished up at St. Adams Private School. It is a private school after all. At first I was a bit disappointed. Then I realized, you go there! And well, how awesome is that? I can meet all your friends and I’m sure we’ll be able to see much more of each other. How awesome is that?” Looking back up at Jake I see the devilish smirk is back on his face as he advances towards me yet again. Way too close for my comfort. “But, I guess I have met one. Who’s this? Your boyfriend? Isn’t that nice. Do you tell all your precious little secrets to him? I bet you trust him, don’t you?” With that Jake turns around leaving and I stand there, in the middle of the sidewalk, flabbergasted and pale faced. 

Realizing what he said before, I shout out, “He’s not my boyfriend!” and feel my cheeks heat up instantly. 

As I turn around I look up slightly to see Seth gazing at me confused then his face smirks and he puts on the fake ‘I’m hurt’ look. “What you don’t want me to be your boyfriend?” Seth asks sarcastically. 

“What?! No! I mean... it’s not that I don’t like you or anything... but... wait... aren’t you dating Clara? No you are dating Clara... so why would you say that?” I say quickly, and all too nervously. I feel my cheeks flaming and know they must look like a red tomato. I curse this awful gene I somehow inherited from my parents. Thinking about it, I feel like I’ve been blushing lately. I’m not sure why I can with the slightest comment of something. I mean, why do I get this trait? I never see Clara like this; she’s always cool and collected, never seeming to take anything like this too seriously.

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