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Hey everyone! This is my first story ever! Hope you enjoy and tell me what you think!


I enter the dreadful school surrounded by plain, white, drab walls and oddly enough, every single human being stares at me. I’ve never been used to this kind of attention, and frankly, I hate every second of it. My skin is crawling with anxiety and my nerves are exploding with an excitement I’m scared to contain. So, this is what it’s like to be popular and have everyone stare at you with their beady eyes? This day isn’t going to turn out so well, my senses tell me.

A sharp tap on my shoulder gives me a jolt and I jump in surprise. With the snap of a finger, I know I am correct. The worst of it hasn’t even begun. Stay tuned. Sadly, you’ll find out the rest from me, Amberlynn Rochester, first hand. 

When my body slowly turns around- as if expecting to find something, more specifically someone- I come face to face with Clara Whitehurst. With a name so sweet, don’t be fooled. She is spawned by the devil, I swear. And if looks could kill, she would be a psycho murderer. I should’ve known she wasn’t planning on drinking her Iced Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks; the last she would want is to gain a ounce on her pretty little conceited body she obsesses over daily. As if my shower wasn’t enough this morning, her coffee, now drenches my hair and body.

“What?! Oh. My. God,” I gasp, mouth gaping, eyes wide, too shocked for words.

“Hmpf,” was all Clara said as she and her gang of Barbies push pass me, smirking.

My mouth closes shut as I haul it for the ladies room. I force myself not to let a single tear out; I promised myself that no matter what they did, they would never get the best of me.

The day drags on and if you can’t see the dark cloud looming above my head, you sure as hell can see it now. Clara and her gang are nowhere near done. If getting coffee out of your uniform is hard, try getting spaghetti sauce and Coke!

This had to be the worst day yet. I had thought that with no tormenting yesterday, I was safe from any type of humiliation today. Well, I was wrong. Shaving cream in my locker and all over my books, awkward announcements over the intercom speaker, stealing my shoes and deodorant in the girls’ locker room, passing me awful notes in class- all cliché types of things. But, I’ll admit; it hurt.

The day finally came to anend and I was on my way to gather my books, all while doing a happy dance inside.

It happens so fast I’m not even positive what all went down.

As if the Earth has stopped and slowed, my body flies forward, along with my books, and as quick as it happens, I am lying sprawled on the floor, the total laughing stock of the school. Luckily, my arms save my face, although my ankles and knees feel a bit sore and bruised.

Looking up, the Barbies and Queen Bee barkout a laughter and Clara bends down to my eye level.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” she says. “I run this school. You get in my way of winning, I will bring you down.”

As if it was possible to humiliate me anymore, she looks around at on the ground, “flabbergasted”, and adds in, “Hmm, well I guess I have brought you down.” 

This was it. I can’t take it. I thought I could and for a day, I thought I was going to be okay. Boy was I wrong.

As quickly as I can, I gather up my things (trying to ignore the physical and emotional pain) and push past all the on-lookers who are suppressing their laughter, not too well I might add. Letting myself into the bathroom I sit uncomfortably on a toilet, finally letting some tears trickle out. This was definitely the worst of the days, and frankly, I can’t take it anymore. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me? That’s utter bullshit. How can I ever face the public again? I think I’d rather die than have to enter the school doors one more day.

That’s when I remember the anti-depressants I kept in my locker. Shakily I get up and creep outside into the hallway, glancing around nervously. Everyone seems to have gone home and soon enough I am dialing my locker combination. My hand gradually meets the bottle and I look around one more time. Then, I open it. With tears brimming in my eyes, I shake a bunch of pills into my hand and reach for my bottle of water.

This is it, I think. The end. No more Clara. No more humiliation. No more pain. It will be done. Over.

Bringing my hand to my mouth a pill is about to enter when I hear, “Amberlynn?”

So startled, I drop the water and the pills go flying everywhere.

Turning, I see Seth Vanderwood, captain of the lacrosse team, “head popular guy,” class president, and definitely a member of the Upper East Side community of New York, and did I mention, the last person I wanted to see?

For what seems like forever, we stand there staring, my eyes wide and scared; a tear leaks out and I bolt, pushing past him, leaving all else behind.

“No, Amberlynn. Wait!” I hear, but I’m already sprinting as fast as I can to get away.

As I run blindly, I am barely aware of my surroundings. But I hear footsteps following so I know if I don’t get out of here soon, I’ll have to face Seth. That’s when I see I’ve reached a dead end in the hallway. I feel my body shaking as I slide down the wall, defeated, curling my legs up. Tears are now pouring out like Niagara Falls and I look like a helpless baby.

Seth steadily walks over and sits next to me pulling me next to him, wrapping his arms around me. I let it all out until I’m left with myself gasping for air and giving out sad, choked sobs.

All he does is rub my back and whisper, “Shh, it’s alright.”

No questions asked, no answers needed. Not now at least. For that, I was grateful.

Hope y'all have enjoyed! Remember to vote, comment, and fan!

Also check out the story Roommates with a Player by Kaboodles!

xoxo REAGAN!

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