Chapter 6

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Hi guys! Sorry It's been a month! I was at camp the first two weeks of July and was going to update before I left, but the server was down! Hope you're enjoying summer! Also, sorry for the layout- I don't know why it's weird, nor do I know how to change it. Well, enjoy chapter 6!

Chapter 6

    “Oh. My. God. There is like nothing to do in my freaking house. Like seriously, are you as bored out of your mind as I am? Or is it just me?” Marley exclaims looking miserable out of her mind for her current state of bored-ness. I don’t really blame her- I feel the same way whenever I’m at my house, which is pretty much whenever I’m not at school. So really, I find myself bored a lot. Bringing myself back to reality I look up and see Marley concentrating real hard.

    “Mar? Anybody home?” I ask waving my hand up and down in front of her face. She’s gone though, completely lost in thought. “Alright, here goes.” I clear my throat, “YO MARLEY!”

    “AH! What?! Oh geez Aly, you gave me a heart attack! What the hell was that for? I was getting to a really good idea, like an amazing one I’ll tell you that. I guess you read my mind though and didn’t like it. I thought it was pretty good.”

    “Okay Marley, what was this great idea? I do apologize for interrupting your thinking session though. Really, it must’ve been really hard to come up with.”

    “Oh you wish you could know. Sadly, when you screamed my name you scared away the idea with it.”

    “Well, what are you in the mood to do?”

    “Let’s go out for pizza!” Marley looks extremely excited at this prospect. I’m not sure why, I mean, it’s just pizza for Pete’s sake! But whatever I don’t mind and I can always eat. Plus pizza is something I can never get tired of. Hence my total heaven like state at lunch today with Seth.

    “Alright, I’m always down for pizza anyways. Where to?”


    “Isn’t that where everybody from school hangs out?” I know the answer is yes, but I’m not really one to partake in the social life with, well, people. Especially those of my age and well, yeah those of my age. Sucking it up though, I don’t want to lose my first girl friend at school.

    “Yeah, why?”

    “No reason. Ready?”

    “Oh hell no! We are not and I repeat NOT going to Marco’s dressed like this. Come with me.” With that Marley drags me off to her room and we venture into her closet. Or what’s supposed to be a closet. Instead it looks like a mini room. This is no average closet, this is a girls best friend. My eyes ogle at everything in sight, trying to take in everything a once-which is hard to do. Marley must notice this, “Nice, huh?” She smiles.

    “Nice doesn’t even begin to describe how in heaven I am. You have the most gorgeous clothes in here! And your shoes, don’t even get me started on your shoes.”

    “Well thanks! I have my mom tho thank really. She’s a designer and makes me a lot of what I have. Either that or gives me her hand me down designer clothes. She knows how to use a sewing machine which is great in my case. Luckily in my case, I know how to style everything pretty well. So, shall we get started?”

    I nod eagerly and we begin to dig through her selection of clothes and select our new outfits. Finding the most amazing heels on her shoe rack, I forget for a second that I am sadly on crutches so not too willingly I put them back only to find amazing sandals that wrap up mid calve and buckle.

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