14. Iris

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Penelope was in the shower after the pool day. She had a great time, which she'd never really had before ever. She imagined this was what having a friend was like. She sang Somewhere Only We Know by Keane, a song that technically didn't exist yet.

When she finished up she turned the water off and kept singing. Kai listened to the song. He knew it wasn't from before '94 but he like the way it sounded.

She got in her towel and started brushing her hair. She continued to him softly as she did so.

"Hey, P!" Kai called out as he knocked on the door. She opened the bathroom door and looked at him.

"I'm trying to get dressed." She told him as he nodded.

"Yeah that's great but I was hoping that you'd keep singing." He replied. "Free entertainment that isn't kids movies you know?" He explained as she looked down at his chest.

"Get a shirt on and we'll talk." She replied looking at him.

"You're literally naked and, come on, does it really bother you?" He asked looking at himself. "I mean I'm attractive right?"

"Yes the hottest person in the world." She spoke sarcastically. Part of her might've meant it though. "Now that I know you're listening it's weird. Can I get dressed now?" She asked as he took a breath putting his hand through his recently cleaned hair, intentionally trying to get her to check him out. Her eyes strangely shot to his armpit hair and she looked back to his face. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." She replied closing the door.

He chuckled to himself. She obviously didn't get the hint he was throwing him but he didn't mind. He liked a challenge.

Penelope finished getting ready putting on her clothes and her necklace and she went into the main living area and sat on the couch next to Kai, who decided to put on a shirt. "What's for the rest of the day?" She asked curiously.

"We can raid the food section of the gift shop." He suggested as she tasked her eyebrows.

"Good idea, I like it." She nodded standing up as Kai did too.

They got downstairs and Pepper went straight for the chocolate covered pretzels and a Yoo-hoo. Kai started eating some Doritos. They decided it'd be easier to just stay in there.

"Vacation is fun." Penelope spoke before sipping her Yoo-hoo. She laid down still eating her pretzels.

"Woah what?" He asked looking at her. He was leaned against the wall and he had one leg out and the other bent with his foot placed near his knee. "Did you just use the word fun? I didn't even know that word was in your sober vocabulary."

"Yes, I said fun." She replied looking at him with narrowed eyes. "Fun isn't something I've really ever had. Surprisingly enough I'm glad it's with you because I don't think I could go with anyone else." She spoke.

"Well yeah because we're stuck in a world with only the both of us." He replied looking at her.

"Yeah." She replied with a sigh. "That's not what I meant though." She added quietly.

Kai looked to her as she chewed on a pretzel. She thought about how things have changed for them. He wasn't just some asshole anymore he was a person she thought she might have cared about. She just had never experienced that sort of thing and it was confusing her.

"It's stupid." She shrugged after a moment of silence. She sat up and looked at the foods to see what she wanted next.

"Here." Kai spoke aiming the bag of Doritos at her.

"Thanks." She said quietly taking one.

"It's not stupid." He said as she looked at him. "I couldn't imagine it with anyone else either." He replied with a light sigh as he looked at his bag of Doritos.

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